"Unstoppable" - Rascal Flatts
Steve brought me home 2 things last night...
leftover steak from his work dinner
and...a good ole' box of pregnancy tests!
I caved and texted him...asked if he could pick some up after his dinner...and he did. So Steve, it's all your fault ;) I was doing so well...telling myself to just wait and not give myself the temptation of having them in the house. I passed tons of drug stores today and didn't buy any but who was I kidding...I at least want them just in case I get the urge to test.
But, I still haven't...Promise!!
See!...still sealed :)
I can't say I don't see myself testing in the next day or two...because I know I will. I guess I feel like if I've made it this far, what's another day!? Especially, knowing how much a negative can crap all over your day! If I go by the day I ovulated, which was early...I am about 11-12 days past ovulation. However, my cycle probably isn't due till Friday...maybe Saturday.
As far as symptoms...
I don't really feel the ones I know to look for. Being pregnant 5 times already has made it easy to detect certain symptoms. Although, the past couple times...I usually was when I didn't think so and wasn't when I thought I was. The symptoms that are always a tell tale sign for me are BIG, swollen, heavy, sore B**BS. I don't know why I just **'ed the O's...everyone who's ever wondered if they are pregnant knows to see what their boobs are up to! And mine aren't up to too much, darnit! Too much info, but every time I wake up in my waiting to test times, I get out of bed and literally put my hands under em' and lift them up n down HA! I can't count how many times I've "flashed" Steve and said, "babe, do they look big? do they look different? Feel em'...Do they? Do they??" His response is usually, "Maria! the windows are wide open!!" and then he always says he does...usually to shut me up, I think. They weren't too different until this morning but it could very well be a sign of my period. Enough about my boobs...how are your boobs feeling today? :) Sunday night I also got a wicked migraine...one that made me feel like I was going to be sick. I ended up taking a nap and it didn't leave till the next morning. I don't know if it was too much coffee from earlier, but I hope it wasn't. I felt a tiny bit bloaty today but that could also be my upcoming cycle or that giant fiber tortilla I had earlier! ha! No other "symptoms" to report at the moment.
I went on a long walk today. It was good for me. It was nice to get some fresh air and take in the beautiful day with my thoughts all to myself.
No, I'm not on stilts...it was my worn old gauchos creating that illusion!
I hope everyone's Mother's Day was a great one! To everyone who felt a loss and sadness on Sunday...I hope next year brings you much happiness!
I woke up on Mother's Day to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee brewing and a text from Kelly saying there was something at my door. She surprised me with flowers and a card with words that made me cry and feel so lucky to have her. She took time away from her well deserved day with her daughters and family to think of me and make me feel special. What a nice way to wake up!
I put them in the vase that my other Kelly made for me last year when I was miscarrying and thought to myself...how sentimental and symbolic each gift was separately and now together.
Steve grilled and we ate lunch on the deck. He made a playlist of all my favorite music, which is mostly my mom's too and put it on for us when we were done eating...leaving my mom and I to enjoy the sunny day and chat.
Pictures of Mother's Day
Me Nicholas and Mom <3

Nicholas and Mom
Me and Nicholas <3

Me and Mom
Nicholas Mom and Steve
Love it! Haha!
Me and the Hubby
Steve made the day what I wanted it to be without saying. He let me sleep in...he shopped...he cooked...he knew all I really wanted was a day to fully relax and he allowed me to have that.
My mom and I talked about everything. We talked about the past. We talked about the present. We talked about how some people can get mixed up in what is really important in life. How some people always need more...more material things to keep them happy because they think it will fill a void in another aspect of their life. The best things in life are certainly not things. I have learned this more and more each year. She told me where she may not be rich with material things...she is rich in love and life and with my brother and I. At the end of the day, LOVE is what makes the world go round.
And where I stand a 50/50 chance of not getting that positive pregnancy test in a few days...I have to keep in mind that I have so many other positive
"Love is Unstoppable"...
Happy Tuesday!!
*till I test...Much Love,
:) Sounds like you had a wonderful mothers day, I'm glad you were able to relax and enjoy it! That steak dinner looks like it was delish and I too am due for AF's arrival Friday or Saturday :) I havent bought a test yet purely due to fear of knowing about a chemical pregnancy. I'm not sure how many dpo I am cause I kinda messed up tracking. My fingers are crossed for both of us <3. V
Large and in charge to question #1. I love your blog, and am so jealous you got to eat that steak!!! Hahaha! Thinking ab u this week<3
I'm so impressed that you haven't tested yet! I have zero self-control ;) Can't wait for the update, but for the time being--I'm glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day!
I hope you have that magic pee that turns things pink!!
This is Christine again & I just wanted to let u know it started again this afternoon. I called my Dr he said go to er so I guess we will c what is going on.
On a happier more I love reading ur posts they r always so fun & interesting to read. I'm praying for ur bfp.
Lots of love,
thank you ladies, so much!! :) i am praying for all of you-in all the different journeys you are taking at the moment!
i had a dream i got a negative..booo!!
much love <3
maria :)
Being a creeper and found your blog off a post on babycenter... I lol'd about your flashing your hubby and asking if your b**bs (hehe) looked bigger. I do that to my husband ALL the time and his reaction is the SAME "windows, Kelsey.. windows!!!" I hope you don't mind me reading...
You are so strong on this journey! I wish you lots of health and success. *sticky baby dust too* :)
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