"Landslide" - Dixie Chicks
"I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down"
One of my Mom's favorite songs is, "Landslide"...
I remember always hearing this song when I was younger. I knew the words but was too young and naive to understand what she was singing about.
With having celebrated my Mom's birthday this past weekend and Jessica's birthday tonight, I instantly thought of it for my post. Everyone takes a certain message away with them from a song they love. Lyrics can hit home in so many different ways. Years pass, and I'm pretty sure the way my mother interprets this song, is the same way I now do.
Life is ever changing and comes at you fast. Life can throw some pretty crazy times at you. It can take love and life itself away from you without any notice.
It makes you change and grow up. It makes you learn lessons that will stick with you. As time goes by, you reflect on it all...
And where over time, so much can change within yourself and the ones you love...
And It Is A Great Comfort...
little Nicholas and Mom(at the same age as I am, today) <3

Mom and me...(whoaa Mom, find us both a hairdresser LOL)
We went out for Mexican food...lots of it. My mom, her best friend, my brother, Steve and I stuffed our faces with chips, salsa and fajitas and had a great night!
I was so excited to give my Mom her birthday presents. I had my friend Kelly, design this necklace for her from her new collection, Suspend Me
I chose a picture from my wedding and one of my brother and I when we were little and Kelly transformed them into this super pretty, little keepsake. My Mom loved it!! and so did I!! Thank you, Kelly...you rock!!
And another design of Kelly's...
I also had this necklace made for my friend, Marie. She has been there for me this past year without ever truly being in my presence. and I am so thankful.

One of my Mom's other gifts was one that I have to admit, is kinda a gift for me too :) We got her Alison Krauss tickets to Musikfest in August. My Mom introduced me to her music years and years ago and I fell in love instantly. I know it will be a fun day for us!
The tickets are being sent to us and so I printed out a photo as her clue. Her expression was...scrunched face, "Who the heck is that?" LOL she didn't recognize her in the picture.
Very much looking forward to it!
Karen Mom and Nicholas <3

53 looks good on her!

Me and Steve <3

Happy Birthday Mom!
Earlier that day, we visited my cousin, Ashley, before her prom. Wow, I felt old and...WOW, she looked Beautiful!
Nicholas Ashley and I...Nowand...

Ashley and Steve <3

Aunt Sharon Ashley and Dave <3

And then...
Ashley, when I find somewhere to go, I'm going to need to borrow that dress! *your prom dress, that is...not sure if the baby one would fit me :)
Tonight, Jessica, Kelly and I went out and celebrated Jessica's 29th! When we are together, time goes by too fast and leaves us wishing it didn't have to end. The three of us don't get to hang out together as much as we do separately and nights like tonight make me wish we did! Kelly and Jessica were talking and catching up and I sat there thinking to myself how lucky I am, how lucky we are...to still be so close...to know we are stuck with each other till we are 3 old bitties *hip, old bitties I might add ;)
Jessica's the first to turn 29. We talked about turning 30. How we don't feel phased by it really...how it really is just a number. I said, if anything it makes me laugh at how funny life is...how you think you can have it all figured out. When I was 20 years old, I thought by this age, I'd be married, have a few kids and be "settled". What is settled anyway?! I certainly didn't get to where I am today by settling on anything and I realize now, 1 out of 3 ain't bad...and I will get there.
Knowing these 2 are always going to be there...that we're going to share all of life's most precious times together, makes it exciting to become old lil' ladies together, someday...
Kelly and Jessica, Tonight...
and @ 21
Me and Jessica, Tonight and...
@ 21
and Then...
It's nice to look back and see how much we change, how much life and love can be packed into a short amount of time...to remember all you've been through...
And see the same
Jessica Me and Kelly, crab leggin' it up in OCMD about 10 years ago
and Tonight...dinner, "grape fits" and cinnamon bun ice cream sandwiches...
Happy Birthday, Jessica! <3

Kelly and I

Kelly and Jessica
Looking back on it all...
seeing pictures like this from half my life ago (I promise I turned 15 here, not 94!)ha!...
pictures from many...
many years ago...
And ones from tonight...
They answer a lot of questions...
"Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?"
Love like this makes it easy...
Change isn't a bad thing.
Time does make you bolder.
And the Landslide doesn't have to bring you down...
many tears...happy tears...after writing this post and looking through so many of my loves, changing but staying the same all at once...
*We have our dr's appt. later this morning to see when we should expect ovulation...will be updating soon.
Wishing everyone a sweet one! <3
Good luck at your doctor's appointment :) I'm hoping this is your month!
This was a three-tear post :)
I am so glad you inherited (Thanks, Debbie!) photographing every birthday (why do Kelly and I look so pissed at your 15th?), vacation, and 3am - crazy faces in front of the Christmas tree- moment (sorry- not posted here- too scary!). We don't remember that when the pictures were taken, we thought we looked terrible- we only see love. And the dated hair and fashionable clothes (Thanks again, Debbie!- for the lace-collared dress - I think I want to borrow it) is just icing. You're right- these pictures, they answer a lot of questions...
Waxing nostalgic- Jessica
Thank you so much Mrs. E!!
Jessica, I got your comment while in waiting rm @ drs and it made me :) I got 1st dibs on the bib collar ;)
<3 this is amazing.....to have friends so close for so long is such a gift!
friends like you are amazing, mama! <3
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