"Stuck Like Glue" - Sugarland
In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I adore my friends. ;) I love that this blog is like a little book, containing all the bits of my life. I love that all my thoughts and admiration for the people in my life are painted on a lil' page on the internet for me to look at whenever I want. Along the way, all of the stories of my friendships are making their way into my posts. And today, I want to talk about my friendships with Jessica and Kelly...and something the two of them share in common...totally talented craftiness at its best! 2 of my dearest friends are named Kelly. It's funny because it gets so confusing for friends when I talk about them...it's always "wait, which Kelly are you talking about?" I'm sure if you've been following my blog, you "know" one of my Kelly's. Monday, I spent the day with my other Kelly!
I chose, "Stuck Like Glue" by Sugarland because it's a fun, happy song about being so connected to someone, nothing can break you apart...and also, though mega corny...whaddy ya know...glue is used in crafts!! :)
It's kinda funny the way Kelly and I met. We truly got to know each other about 4 years ago. At the time, she worked with my husband. Steve would always tell me about this chick at work who was my personality twin and reminded him of me in so many ways. He would tell her the same. He pretty much set us up on a friend - blind date years ago. We laugh now at how persistent Steve was with both of us to get to know each other. But, I am so so glad he was. Our first date was an 11 out of 10 ;)...We hit it off from the moment we met. She is one of my closest friends. She has the biggest heart, has been so much more than a friend to me and I can't imagine life without her. We have shared so many laughs, so many tears and so much of ourselves together, in just a few short years. There's never a time when we get together, that we don't laugh till we cry. Even when we're crying, we somehow end up back to laughing. She is super talented and has a love for designing an array of crafts and keepsakes that are sure to bring a smile to your face and a happy tear to your eye. Monday, I spent the day with her and was lucky enough to get a sneak peek of some of her newest creations.
I thought I would share with you all, some of her amazing pieces!
If you are interested in contacting her, Kelly has an Esty shop as well as a blog dedicated to her creations @ Xtophy Design Studio.
You can find her on Etsy, HERE
Check out her design studio blog, HERE*All of her contact information can be found on both pages
Now for the good stuff :)
The ShowMe Bracelet!
She transforms your photos into super pretty and comfortable-to-wear pieces of jewelry, for you to admire and keep close to you!
"ShowMe" bracelets are divided into categories that offer you various styles, colors, number of photos, and beads. Each category provides you with a unique bracelet that features YOUR photographs.
For mamas and mamas to be, these make wonderful keepsakes of your children and/or soon to be baby's ultrasound photos!
She surprised me with this beautiful bracelet, w/photos of Steve and I, for my wedding. It made me cry. I'm obsessed with jewelry and photos...it was the perfect and most thoughtful gift!
She has just introduced her Tranquility Collection
My personal favorites..."Happy"and...
Each bead has been hand selected and strung, and and is composed of polished stone, resin, and beautiful glass.
A few other pieces that I treasure from Kelly...that she also creates in her studio...
she surprised me @ Christmas w/this gorgeous hand knit hat, complete w/peacock feathers and glove covers
I loved it so much, I surprised other Kelly, with one for her daughter! between the hat and Chloe, it's cuteness overload! :)
this vase is very special to me...she made it for me after my 2nd miscarriage.
this lamp is a true masterpiece...it's so funky and fun! she made it for me for my wedding gift and it sits next to my bed. every time I wake up and go to bed, it reminds me of her.
A few pictures of our day together
Kelly and her cutie-pie daughter <3

happy Karina munching on my fingers :)
Karina Kelly and Kristopher <3

I love you, Kelly!
Me and Jessica
We have been friends for 18 years. The first time I met her was a year or so before we truly became friends. My mom knew her mom and when they'd run into each other, with us, they would always stop and chat...leaving us (2, pre-teen girls in that awkward stage) standing there listening to them talk while we stared at each other with that almost, "whose this b*tch?" look across our faces. :) We almost instantly became friends a year later when we met and went to the same Middle School. She always jokes that it sealed the deal when I let her copy my math test and homework in 6th grade. What's even funnier is, that shortly after, I was no longer known as "miss perfect" in school and if Jessica would have copied anything else...she wouldn't have got an "A"...that's for sure! ha! I tease her that she stole my heart when she complimented my plaid underwear, while changing for gym class. :) Jessica and I have such different personalities in some ways but in other ways, it is like we share the same brain (lucky for her, not intellectually)ha! I treasure our crazy marathon phone calls equaling at least 8,357,228,408 hours, talking about everything and nothing all at once, over the years. When we get together we are like 2 cackling chickens. We talk, we laugh, we cry, and then we laugh some more. She knows me inside out and has been there for me always. I admire her and her gift of crafting so much. Jessica has a way of turning anything into a work of art. She has such an imagination. She has such a passion for creating gifts that can be truly treasured.
And I'd like to share some of them with you
See something you like?! You can contact Jessica by email at jlengro@yahoo.com
I adore Jessica's handmade Baby Bouquets
They are too pretty. I imagine it's tough for a mother to decide whether to keep them as a decoration or use for her newest addition. She adds items such as baby bibs, socks, onesies, mittens, hats and washcloths. These make for a one of a kind baby shower gift as well as nursery decoration!
they can be made in small, medium, or large (small shown)
*can be made in other colors
*can be made for boy, girl, or unisex
"Name" Letters
She truly outdoes herself with these. Any name or initials you'd like...Whether you choose to pick the theme or allow her to...you will rush to hang these on your walls.
I love the detail and originality she puts to each letter!
*Pre-drilled to be hung on wall
They can be made to coordinate with bedroom or playroom decor
*excuse the sideways pictures
Handmade CardsOver the years, Jessica has given me so many beautiful cards, that she took the time to design just for me. They are all over our house, framed and always reminding me of her. The detail she puts into them is incredible!
She can craft a card for any occasion and it's sure to say it all without you needing to say a thing! they also look great in a frame!
she made this card for me right before Steve and I got married
my favorite!
as pretty decor,framed in my powder room
Handmade Picture Frames
a gift for my birthday!
I love you, Jessica
I hope you all enjoyed the pretty pieces made with love and talent, I shared today! <3 Thank you Jessica and Kelly, for letting me share...I had alot of fun with this post and what a nice way to switch it up from all the baby talk posts...BUT, you both know...whenever our time comes, I expect baby bracelets, letters and bouquets galore!! ;) ;) ;)
"Whutooo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue"...
Happy Wednesday <3
Two crafty ladies for sure!
i had no idea jessica made baby baskets! WOW!!! um, and i might be ordering a big "K" for karina's room! we sooo need to have a craft date. maria, we will assign you to the glitter - since i hear you are so good at that! hahaha! thank you so much - you made me cry, and laugh, and "awwwww" <3 ya!!!
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