There are so very many posts I could start typing. This staycation has been so good to us.
And so good for us.
It has my mind thinking more clear and my body is more relaxed than it has been in a really long time.
I'm still on a natural high from Tuesday. Steve, my Mom and I went to a little town called Bethlehem...yes, Bethlehem. We spent the day window shopping, eating, and at night, saw Alison Krauss and Union Station in concert. I've decided Tuesday deserves its own little post.
Thankfully, the gray skies and constant early afternoon rain made its way out as soon as we arrived, and we were able to take in the cute little town and all it had to offer.
Me and the Mr :) We grabbed a late lunch at Bethlehem Brew Works. The food was great. I'm not a huge beer fan, but my Mom and I were lovin' our blueberry beer. It was perfect for summer.
Me and Mom
After, we made our way to the venue. It was crowded as ever. People watching was scoring an A+ and we couldn't have asked for a nicer night. The humidity saw its way outta the day and brought on one of the coolest nights we've had this summer.
Mom and I @ Musikfest
Steve and I
We walked around and took it all in.
The air smelled like barbeque. Local acts sang for small groups and tips in a jar. Little tents were set up selling tee shirts and mugs with lines of people to buy em'. I think every other person we saw must have been carrying one of these mugs. It was kind of funny. You almost felt left out if you didn't have one too. So, of course, my Mom had to have one. :)
You got that right, Albert!
The concert was set in front of an old steel mill. It was completely awesome. As it got dark, lights were shined across stage and onto the refinery...changing it's colors throughout the night.
Ready for the concert to start
Within seconds, they were all on stage. No introduction. No, "Hi, how are y'all doin' tonight"...they just went right into song. And it was beautiful. The song..."Paper Airplane". The song that helped me to finally write THIS POST. And from that moment, I was lost in the music. The sound of her angelic voice. The amazing instruments. The words that sing to my soul.
Ok, I confess, there were moments I was totally distracted. Take this lady for instance. I named her "Tights McGillcutty." She was definitely on something more than a "music high" and if I counted correctly, about 13 drinks in. She kept getting out of her seat and putting on her own show for the crowd. Dancing like a wild woman and not listening to the guards one teeny bit.
I was pretty sure that at any moment, Alison was going to stop mid song, lunge herself into the crowd - us carrying her to "Miss Loopy Legs" and without explanation, repeatedly beat the crazy lady down with her fiddle.
No such luck.
After about two hours of their blissful tunes, they played what we thought was thier last song. People started making their way to leave and within a minute, they were back on stage. It was an amazing encore. So many of her best songs blended into one. Light on the instruments. Big on the words. Steve and I were already standing as we too, thought it might had been the end. There was a breeze in the air and I felt as if it were only the two of us standing there. I sang. I got teary eyed. I wished for another two hours. You could say I'm a little obsessed.
Every one of her songs teaches me a lesson. Helps me to say what I'm feeling. I started this blog with "Crazy Faith" a little over four months ago, and am so happy to still be holding onto that faith. Crazier than ever. Faithful as ever.
*fun fact-Alison Krauss has won 26 Grammy awards over the course of her career. More than any other female artist. And comes in third, overall.
She didn't sing this song at the concert. But it is one I listen to often. It comforts me. It brings me peace and fills me with hope when I need it most.
"A Living Prayer"
"In this world I walk alone with no place to call my home
But there's One who holds my hand
The rugged road through barren lands
The way is dark, the road is steep
But He's become my eyes to see
The strength to climb, my griefs to bear
This Savior lives inside me there
In Your love I find release
A haven from my unbelief
Take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee
In these trials of life I find
Another Voice inside my mind
He comforts me and bids me live
Inside the love the Father gives
In your love I find release
A haven from my unbelief
Take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee
take my life and let me be
A living prayer my God to thee"
It was a night I will always remember and I felt blessed to share it with 2 of my greatest loves.
Wishing Everyone a Happy Thursday!! <3
and the staycation continues... <3<3<3<3<3

Hi,there. Thanks for passing by and participating in Monday Mingle at Hopefully, I will see you back every Monday. I am now following via GFC and would love to add you to my followers too.
P.S. Have we connected on Facebook yet?
Awww this post makes me so happy!! I knew you had fun, but it's so great to see it in picture-form too! Plus, I feel like my life is complete now that I've actually seen miss loopy ;) My imagination didn't do her justice! I'm glad you guys are enjoying your staycation. You both deserve it! Love and hugs and tacos~~ xoxoxox~
PS: You've got mail...again... =)
That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you're enjoying your staycation :-)
I love the name of your blog. What a great idea to have a song for each blog post. Gotta love country music!
I'm a new follower from the blog hop. Please check out my blog at
That is one of my most favorite songs by her!!!! Absolutely love it and so jealous you got to see her live!! LOL!!! So glad you got to enjoy yourself and relax a little with the Mr. :))
I found you on the My Adventures in Mommy-hood Blog Hop. I am looking forward to reading your blog posts.
I look forward to your visit.
Lioness -
Awe! That looks like so much fun! You and your mom are so pretty!
I'm gonna confess that although I don't not like country music, I don't listen to it on my own. But...your blog has me reconsidering!!!! What a beautiful song to go with a beautiful night. Thanks for sharing!
What fun! And such a lovely post. I have to tell you, my friend, you looked aaahhhhh-mazing!!!!! (I'm starting to think you and I were cut from the same mold. Are you my long lost twin???!!!)
Sounds like you guys had fun. You and your husband look so adorable together and your dress is so pretty! I just discovered your blog and I'm glad I did. I am now following you thanks to Blog Hop Friday, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday, where you can meet lots of friends and have a great time:) See you there!
Happy Friday!
What a lovely blog!
Happily following you!
Looks like fun and you look so pretty! Love your outfit. Have a great weekend! XOXO.
PS-I probably wouldn't have known about chalkboard paint if I hadn't seen it on a blog. ;)
Yay - a post! I've been missing you! :) But you've been enjoying vacay, so it's okay. (Thanks for all of your sooo sweet comments, btw!).
It looks like you've been enjoying your time. I love looking at your pictures! I especially love the one you included of Tights McGillicutty. Hahaha, perfect!
Enjoy the rest of your time!
(And I love your new background - SO cute!)
I absolutely love anything sung by Alison Krauss. I think she has the voice of an angel.
following from boost my blog fridays
What a beautiful song! It looks like you had a great time on your staycation. Sometimes it's exactly what you need!
Thanks you for follwoing on the Lots Of Lovin' Weekend Blog Hop! Hope you come back next week!
I am following :)
What a perfect, perfect day to treasure in your heart forever!! I'm originally from Pittsburgh and I love visiting Bethlehem! Thank you for sharing your day and songs with us! What a blessing!
That sounds like an awesome day and night with your hubby and mom! I am so glad you are enjoying your week! Have a wonderful weekend!!
new follower! yes, everyday is a country song! love Lady A too!
It looks like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing all the great photos!
I am visiting tonight from the You Like Me Friday blog hop. It is nice to 'meet' you. I hope you have a great weekend. Stop by my blog, Long Wait For Isabella , anytime!
IT'S ME AGAIN!!!! Just leaving you a quick comment to say we had Taco Bell tonight too!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I thought that was hilarious! Thanks for taking a KNOW I WOULD give you a cookie and DC if I could! I WOULD! I REALLY WOULD!! XOXO
I’ve enjoyed following your blog and would like to award you The Versatile Blogger Award. To find out more about it, please visit
Thanks Wendy
Hi! Thanks for the follow! I love the concept of your blog. I'm always thinking of songs that apply to my life. :) And I've been on an Alison Krauss kick lately so this is a great post!
I'm a fellow Pennsylvanian! I was supposed to go to Musikfest with a friend that lives up there but my son got sick at the last minute :( Looks like it was fun and Bethlehem loves like a neat little town!
Visiting again from the Monday hop!
Sarah @ made in usa challenge
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