Now, bear with me and my big mouth. I find it hard not to type. Let's just say hopefully there will be more pictures than words and I won't totally ruin the whole meaning behind "Wordless Wednesday"...
Saturday night, we stayed in Philadelphia @ a cute little Bed n Breakfast. Our friends had given us a gift certificate at our wedding and we finally put it to good use! (Thank you, Leslie and Jamie!! <3)

We were pleasantly surprised at how big the room was. And how PINK the room was. Steve went right to relaxing. A little pink paint doesn't bother the Steve-arino. That's him lounging. I took the picture from the loft.
Can you find me? :P
The room had so much character!
We even had our own little kitchen.
The ceilings were awesome!
*Jessica, there's the picture I was telling you about!! who's that lady??! LOL
The Mr and I outside the B and B
It was rainy Rainy RAINY!! Once the rain let up, we decided to take a walk to a nearby tavern and grab a couple of burgers. It was dark, dank and crowded. There were colored lights on the wall. The fries were to die for and they even had a chalkboard in the bathroom!
On our way home I wanted to take a picture of our shadows.
Um, yea...Maybe turning off the flash would help. *Steve shakes head and laughs out loud at me*
hmmmm hahaha
that's better :)
Nothin' says romance like a little "Mr. T" on the television. Yep. Mr. T. everyone!
We woke up Sunday to even heavier rain. I actually loved it. It was peaceful. We sat in bed, watched tv and drank coffee.
I gave my Frankenfeet a pedicure.
One last picture.
We packed our things and headed to our next destination.
in a full on STORM!!
Atlantic City. It is one of our guilty pleasures. I can't count how many times we've gone in the 6 years we've been together. And I never can decide which is my favorite part about this lil' city...
The lights and sounds of the busy casinos...
The tacky old ladies wearing bedazzled EVERYTHING...
The fact that there's something to do at every hour...pefect for a nightowl like me...
The fact that I can dress like my 3 idols - "The Nanny"/Peg Bundy/Dolly Parton and totally blend in. (yea, this is definitely one of my top favorites)
And that me and the Mr always have such a fun, carefree time.
talk about bout a cup of Starbucks coffee with a side of Hooter's fried pickles. What a wonderful start to our AC getaway :)
We ventured onto the beach right before another storm swept through. A sweet family asked if we could take their picture. I always love picture happy people and love that they return the favor!
Jersey Shore lovin'
We checked into our sweet lil' room. We napped. We watched 4 episodes of "Extreme Couponing"...Hey, don't bust on us...we are now hooked!! We want to be those people!
And then my favorite part...
Gettin' all dolled up like Dolly (just me, not Steve) and heading to the casinos for penny slots.
Photoshoot pic #57
They had a "The Hangover" slot machine lol
Mr trying his luck
I always love the last day in AC. We have a ritual. We wake up and lounge around before we pack. Get ready and head to our favorite spot for brunch/lunch.
We know our order before we get there. Yum!

Yes, I took a picture of my foot in a store. Not just any favorite store in the whole world, Michal Negrin. It makes my heart pitter patter and eyes sparkle almost as much as their gorgeous jewelry.
The weather was beautiful and being that the Atlantic City shore isn't the ummm, prettiest one...we took a drive to Brigantine.
those are ALL lil' birdies!
This has to be my favorite. Poor Steve. Hahahaha He even said, "I think this one is gonna be a bad one" because it was so bright and sunny out. We could barely keep our eyes open.
He looks so angry and confused. HAHAHA
Confused Mr
Much better! :) the end to a glorious 10 days together.
It was a wonderful, long, but not long enough staycation vacation.
We relaxed. We ate. We laughed. We let loose. We LOVED!!
All I can say is...
You know, on second thought,
I will let "Mini Me Maria" from 25 years ago do the talkin'
Happy Hump Day Everyone!!!
Hope your week is breezin' on by! :)
I'm totally post vacation blues n' it a tad...ya know, back to reality and all that jazz...but I will snap on out of it.
happy to do a "wordless" post because I know I have way too many words to come in my upcoming ones!
Tons of Love <3<3<3,

Maria Darling, You are just SO adorable! Stopping by from Wednesday Hop... xoxo
Love love love all the pictures! And pretty good on the "Wordless". Is it obvious why I never do Wordless Wednesdays? hahahahaa!
I absolutely love the place you stayed in! I can't believe the size of it and that you had that kitchen too! WOW! How cute!
Can't wait to catch up about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha! I promise not to be a Debbie Downer! I'm excited to have fun, and laugh our a$$es off! :) xoxoxoxoxooxoxox feet look like i drive a for real Freddy Flinstone car! They are so BUSTED! hahahahahahaha!
Okay let me start with wow. That is really a pink room. My first thought was I am not sure I would be able to get freaky in there cause it reminds me a lot of my grandmother. Nothing kills romance like thinking about my 98 year old grandmother. LOL
Second. Starbucks pairs well with everything. Especially fried pickles!
Third. I literally LOL about the taking a picture of your shadows. Totally something I would do and am so proud of you for 'fessing up and telling us about it.
You should do Wordless Wednesday's more often! Totally made my hump day!
HOW LOVELY! What a wonderful get-away with the hubs! That B and B was so charming I would have considered moving in. HA! The post I published recently (about the mountains) was in honor of my anniversary. Me and my hubby got away, went up Little Cottonwood Canyon in SLC, UT and visited a big ski resort up there. SO BEAUTIFUL and fun! A few items worthy of note about this post: You toenails are a FANTASTIC color. And PEARLS!! PEARLS!! HOORAY! You are wearing pearls! That made my day! Have a good night, my friend!
It looks like you two had so much fun & even managed to relax a bit! Atlantic City is great, I haven't been in awhile but we always have fun when we go, by the way your sandals are adorable!
I love these pictures! You were not kidding about the pink haha! I'm glad you and Steve had such a great time =D
Your posts crack me up. I am so glad you guys had a good time on your short getaway. The room is adorable.
And thanks for the sweet comment on DD. she is a ton of fun and has HUGE personality.
That bed and breakfast is ADORABLE. I L-O-V-E the ceiling. It looks like you had a great time! :)
I liked your wordy Wednesday post better than the wordless kind. I always love reading about your adventures! :) And of COURSE seeing your pictures!
Have a great day girlie! :)
Now I've never done a "wordless Wednesday" but I think they key is the "wordless" part lol but I love your version anyways!
Looks like you guys had a blast! I soo need a getaway! That room is so pink! And I think someone said it already but grandmaish lol
Hope you have a great weekend this weekend :)
<3 V
You two are so cute! Looks like you had a great time and got a chance to kick back a little. Seeing your pictures is making me even more excited for my little getaway with the hubby in a couple weeks;)
wonderful pics...the cookies seems delicious..and i wonder if you won any money or not :P
:: speechless:: I love this post!! Soooo cute and pink! :) I'm so happy u and Steve had a great time! You both deserved it :)
Wordless Wednesday's don't work for me either! Lol
And little Maria... Ur just too darn cute!
I hope you enjoyed your trip! It looks like fun! What a cute pic of you when you were little!
Well I missed hump day this week on blogger since we were away until tonight. Love your photos though :)
thanks for joining our blog hop today, I checked and I wasn't following so I quickly fixed that.
Happy thursday!
love the pics!! I love going to Vegas (not the same as AC, but the theory behind the love is similar). I also like your taking pictures for other people and them returning the favor comment. It's wonderful :-)
I'm following you from a blog hop & hope to see you around my blog sometime!
You have a beautiful blog.
I wanted to stop by and thank you for participating in the Get Wired Blog Hop. I am following you.
Have a wonderful day!
That B&B looks absolutely wonderful! How great is that loft?! Looks like you guys had a fun time: Glad you got a way to enjoy some time together.
Cute blog name!
Following from Monday blog hop!!!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Great photos. But I hate to say it...this is hardly a Wordless Wednesday post. Not even "kind of" because you have words. Everywhere. Not that I care. I mean, who am I? The Blogging Police? Is there a Blogging Police? Because there shouldn't be. People should be able to do whatever they want on their blogs. Okay, I'm babbling now. It's late and my mind wanders...
I saw your link on the Monday Mingle, and now I'm a new follower of your blog :) Nice to "meet" you, and I'll be checking back know... to count the words on your Wordless Wednesday posts :)
I'm kidding.
Well, kinda...
Katrina@ They All Call Me Mom
Frankenchubs! I love it!! Following from the Wild Wednesday hop. You crack me up! :)
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