"Just A Kiss" Lady Antebellum
It's early Monday morning. As a result of a glorious mid day nap yesterday and lots of good rest, I am nice n' awake. The mister is sleeping soundly next to me and thankfully, not snoring so loud that I have to give him
Ahh, Monday. It's been a long time since I have felt this relaxed. And even though in the matter of time it took me to write a couple sentences, Steve has started a full blown nasal symphony...I couldn't care a bit. Snore away Mr. Steve. Snore away. Something magical happens when you realize you're on vacation. No, we aren't lying on a white sandy beach holding frozen drinks that require one of those little umbrellas. We aren't on a plane headed to somewhere new and exciting. We are at home. In bed. Steve sleeping. Me typing. But, it is as if our crazy little world has stopped for a bit. And I like it.
It took me a little while to really settle into the fact that we could finally take a real breather from all of life's craziness.
Friday, just like I promised myself, I went and got some cleaning done while the Mr. had a boy's night. After, I met up with my Mom and her best friend at my brother's local gig.
My brother, Nicholas
Mom Me and Karen
I woke up Saturday with two offices left to clean. Just two offices, and then I could start to soak up our ten days of freedom. By the time I was done cleaning, I was sweaty. I felt dirty. I felt tired. (see picture below) I didn't really feel that excited. I needed to unwind. You would too if you were hanging out with a couple a' dumpsters and coffins.
*yes, if you remember, one of the offices I clean is the administration building for a cemetery.ha!*
I needed to stop feeling like this...
And, start feeling like this!
Sunday smiles
And after a great night's sleep on Saturday, I quickly started realizing that Steve and I didn't have to have a care in the world for a bit. *ok, that's exaggerated...but you know what I mean*
We promised ourselves that this vacation would be about having fun, being spontaneous and not letting the pressures of "our situation" get in the way. I told Steve last week I didn't want this time off together to be anything but relaxing. We want it to be far from the stresses of what we've been dealing with. And wouldn't ya know, I wake up yesterday and there to greet me on my phone is a silly app I can't seem to erase. A reminder that I'm not pregnant but that I would be 30 weeks if I was. It was kind of crazy to me. Crazy that our last miscarriage was that long ago. I'm not even going to get into all the crazies right now. And honestly, I didn't get upset. I said something nice n' sarcastic and pranced myself into the bathroom. We had reservations for brunch downtown and it was time to start feeling happy.
Bite me Babycenter app...Bite me.
It wasn't until Steve and I sat down at the restaurant, ordered our brunch and toasted to a wonderful staycation, that we realized we.were.free.
Call me cheesy. Call me over dramatic. But I get excited at the smallest of things. I get all giddy when I'm with my loved ones and about to enjoy their company. I get way too excited over food...especially new food. And new moments. We wanted to try this restaurant for quite a while. Had we not been given a gift card, we probably would have just kept wanting but never trying. I don't know about you, but I think it is so easy to get into a routine sometimes and just never try new places. I'm so glad we did. It was awesome. I got a little camera happy with the food. You'd think I'd never been out to brunch before. But the giddiness set in quick. I could sense it in Steve too. We were us. Just us.
Champagne and 2 of the cutest lil' corn muffins I ever did see. Steve didn't listen to our server say, "served with honey butter" and took a spoonful of it in his mouth...HA!! I still don't know what he thought it was!
He started with oysters. I knew he was going to make me try one. I always refuse.
Hey, I'm lettin' loose people.
Thankfully, I didn't spit it across the room onto someone's forehead. It wasn't bad.
Our coffee came complete with a lil' moo cow creamer.
pictures of food. because I've never seen food before and either have you.
Me and my Mr (w/a stain on his shirt) after a fabulous THREE hour brunch.
Next on the agenda...
Making a few plans for the upcoming week and...
NAP TIME! Oh yea, who doesn't love that "I'm so full I could fall asleep" feeling.
Now, I know I said I wouldn't talk about "trying" and all that good stuff while on vacation. But, that doesn't mean I can't write about it on my blog, right?
What's great is, for once in a very long time (ok, almost 2 yrs)...I catch myself forgetting that our fertile stage is right around the corner. As I made very clear before... (SEE HERE) "trying time" can be well....TRYING!
And I'm counting my lucky stars that it finally happened to fall at the most perfect time. There's so much I could get into right now. But I don't want to. I just want to remember this week for what it is. Time with my husband. Time we have the ability to take advantage of. A time we don't have to feel rushed and pressured.
I believe it happens when it happens. I believe you can do all the so called right things and still strike out. And I believe that this next week with Steve is going to be way more than just our "trying time"...
And if it "doesn't happen" when I go to take that test at the end of the month...at least we can say we relaxed and had fun trying. We spend so much time focusing on how to get there. This week, I want to focus on what we already have. Us. Because, in time we're going to get to that
"I know that if we give this a little time
It will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find"
Happy Monday and Happy Brand New Week Everyone!!
I'll be seeing you soon.
Staycation lovin' and "Just a Kiss",

Awww! That place looks amazing!!!! Seriously, it does!!! I'm so happy u are taking time to enjoy each other. Your staycation sounds amazing! I'm happy you are gonna try new things and do new stuff! Muah! I will see u soon! Love ya!
That's the cutest little brunch I ever did see! What a great way to start off your relaxing vacay! :)
Just taking a little break from gmail to say I'm so glad you guys had a great brunch! I love the pictures/captions!! Okay, heading back to gmail now. "See" you soon =)
Lucky you getting 10 days off of work! I haven't had time off since May and I was moving, so it's not like I was relaxed. LOL! Take this time and enjoy each other...try not to dwell on what isn't. Oh and if it's free - ERASE THAT APPLICATION! I know it's got to be hard, but here's my take, whether you want it or not... LOL! While you can't control what's going to happen the next time you get pregnant, you can definitely take some steps to help yourself along and to help yourself in the meantime too! Having that app on there is just rubbing your nose in the fact that you are no longer pregnant. I can't imagine putting that kind of stress on yourself is helpful in getting pregnant and staying pregnant. That's just my 2 cents...take them for what they are worth! LOL! I "yelled" because I care. That may seem weird because we hardly know each other, but I really do. I hate seeing good people in pain and going through hard times. So do yourself a favor and enjoy these next 10 days and delete that app. You can always download it again when you're pregnant. *hugs* Happy Monday!
THAT FOOD looks AMAZING...seriously holy insane looking yummies...lucky girl you are!
This is my first time to your blog...I don't know the whole story of your miscarriage, but my heart is with you...even if it is 30 weeks...
Enjoy every minute of your time with the mister. My husband and I have SIX kids and the seconds we have alone together are cherished but few and far between! It will happen for you but in the meantime, don't fret! I love your attitude! Found you on the voiceBoks Meaningful Monday Blog Hop!
Awww... I really hope you get to relax. I'm a lot like you, I LOVE food and oh, your brunch just made my mouth water!
"I believe you can do all the so called right things and still strike out." ~ you are absolutely right about this, but I think it makes me feel better when I know I'm doing right anyway. It kind of reminds me of when I was one of my very first jobs as a waitress one of the other servers said, "I always tip well and do what's right, but somehow, I still get those customers who don't really give a *you know what!* But then I think that if we lived in a perfect world, we would probably all be bored out of our minds!
Thanks for joining our Meaningful Monday Blog Hop! Hope you can make it over to voiceboks.com where you will surely meet some really fantastic women and gain a community experience that you are guaranteed to love.
Have a great Monday!
Lexie Lane
Hello! First time I visit your blog ... I am your newest followers from Blog-Hop! I loved your post and sounds like you had fun. I hope you get some time to stop by my blog and follow me back through Google Friend Connect.
I look forward to know you better through your blog ... Have great week!
I love this song! Looks like you had a wonderful brunch.
I'm a new follower from the hop. :) I love your blog.
I feel that way about my hunny's vacations, too. Even if we aren't doing anything spectacular, its just SO nice to know that the day can be boring and not rushed.
And I completely understand the 'Bite me Baby Center app' comment. I signed up for emails before we lost our 2 back in '09. Wouldn't you know it? It was the one thing I forgot about until I got an email the next month telling me that 'our sweet baby had hit the 20 week mark. Yeah. Not so great.
Following you from VB's blog hop- looking forward to reading more!
Maria, your post brought me right back to a time when my husband and I were desprately trying to have a baby, had gone through 4 miscarriages and I was determined to relax and have fun. It was a challenging time, but also very sweet between my husband and me because we were the only two people who really knew what we were going though. I hope you have a lovely holiday together! Looks like you started it the right way, what a lovely restaurant! Have fun! So great to find you at VoiceBoks! Take care!
I found you via voiceBoks. You have a lovely blog and a touching story! I'm your newest follower!
Gosh, I hope you feel better and hope that all works
for the best. It looks like you had a wonderful time with your husband. Keep strong.
Great visiting from voiceBoks,
Español para Niños (Spanish for Kids)
Wow, all that food looks great, I also get really excited about trying new food.
I'm your newest follower from the Monday Monkey blog hop. Stop by if you get the chance!
I'm a new follower and enjoyed your honest reflections. Pregnancy loss is very difficult to endure and to write about, but I hope you find it therapeutic for you. TTC can be a draining challenge as well, make sure to reach out to those who support you when you need it! Good luck!
Sarah @ made in usa challenge
I am a new follower :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog.
That's what you look like tired and sweaty? Not bad! LOL BUT WOW do you clean up amazing! I'm so glad you posted photos of food. Never have seen that before. As for an oyster? Count me out! Ick!! Not sure what to say about "trying". It would all sound so silly in light of what you're going through. Hope you have some relaxing time!
~Mimi from the Meaningful Monday Hop
Hey sweet friend! LOVED this post! Look at how hot-to-trot and sassy you look in that bright lipstick! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Girl, I will NEVER reveal to you how many tubes of lipstick I own. It. Is. Obscene. Enjoy your staycation with your man. Sounds wonderful! XOXO!!!!!!!
Staycation are fun! Enjoy your time with your husband!
new follower from FMBT hop...love this site. And the music instantly put me in a good mood. Look foward to sharig our worlds!
Cathy from http://twinswithtots.blogspot.com/
I really hope your staycation is all you want it to be!! That food all looks so delicious =) I am seriously jealous of it all!!
I'm late on the Monday blog hop, but I'm so glad to find your adorable blog! How nice to have a staycation(I need one of those!) Definitely less stressful sometimes than taking a trip. I hope you have a lovely week, and look forward to seeing you more on VoiceBoks:)
Have a great time at Musikfest!! Enjoy the Margy.... love u!
I hope you are having a wonderful staycation! You deserve it!
You're so sweet. Thank you so much for your lovely compliments on our Etsy. I can tell from your super cute outfits in your post, that you have style!;)
Cheers, and hope to talk to you soon!
It's like reading a short love story with this post. And those foods... Oh, now I'm hungry:)
Following your lovely blog. I am also inviting you to visit Momma's Lounge (http://olahmomma.com/momlounge) where you can add your blog, express yourself, add your business/giveaway, and meet more mom bloggers from all over the bloggy land:)
Thanks and have a great day!
Dropping by to say hiiiiiiiiii and I hope u are enjoying urself! I can't wait to see pics!! Cuz I KNOW ur over there taking pictures!! :) big hugs lady and thank u thank u thank u for ur comments :)
Love ya
Looks like such a good time. Love all the pics. I'm a new follower from the hop, wanted to say hi!
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