You know you're on vacation when it's after 2 in the afternoon and you're still in bed.
I'm here with my mug of tea, bagel with cream cheese and one sleeping Krimpet. Laptop propped on a pillow as I type and I'm soaking up the last few days of this time off.
Steve and I saved the best for last and in a bit will be headed out for a mini getaway. I wish I could say the forecast shows bright n' sunny skies for the next few days. However, I'm seeing pictures of gray clouds and lotsa rain and thunder in the near future. Oh well, what can you do but make the best of it!
This week has left us lazy in a good way.
It's been wonderful to just be spontaneous. To do not such glamorous things but feel glamorous doing them.
Monday night we were on the hunt for some good food. Food. It seriously has been one of the highlights of our vacation.
I guess you could call it a foodcation.
And it hasn't been the fanciest of foods. No, I'd say more fried goodness. Cheesy melty crunchy foods. Wow, sounds like an ad for Taco Bell *which I will get to later in this post :)
After driving around, we ended up parking our butts in two over sized comfy movie seats at a new theater that opened up near us. I was skeptical. A theater where you can eat dinner while you watch a movie?! Wouldn't you feel interrupted every time the waitress came around? Wouldn't you hear everyone chattin' up about what they were going to eat and drink? Nope. You got your own lil' button on your own mini table that you could push anytime you needed your server. So we pushed that button.
*Ah, yes...may I have an order of the fried pickles and a large diet coke? My husband would like a cold beer and fried monte cristo wrap.*
It was fun. It was different. A little cheesy. But cheesy is good sometimes.
Me and the Mr @ the Movie Tavern
Happy Man
Fried Pickles. I'm guessing one of these lil' suckers has your allowed daily intake of sodium. Who cares!? They are worth it.
You know I had to sneak a picture before it started! :)
Tuesday...already covered in my last post. A Living Prayer
Wednesday we kicked back and didn't do much of anything but hang around the house and catch up on some shows. The weather was perfect and I suggested we walk into town...find a dive bar and get some wings. Steve's eyes lit up. Steve loves him some wings. The word "wings" to Steve is like "shopping" to us gals.
So, we walked.
We entered dive bar.
We ordered 2 dozen wings. (for a whole $7 bucks) bargain wings, I love it.
We played pool. I can't tell you how many times Steve has tried to teach me how to play. I stink at pool. I mega stink at pool. But I still like playing. And Steve loves winning.
So serious.
Me pretending to be serious.
We then ventured out on a hunt for MegaTouch games. You know, the ones you'll find attached to bars. Digital Screens...amazingly addicting games all for 50 cents. When Steve and I first met we were obsessed with MegaTouch. Monster Madness. Word DoJo. Photo Hunt. If we had one in our house, I'm pretty sure I'd never leave.
Found One!!
I usually don't win when it comes to games, so I was a lil' proud of my Numero Uno status as the Monster Madness Queen.
Did I mention there was karaoke too? Oh yes. There was. And this is my husband
Everyone turned from their stools to watch him. He didn't miss a word. And where I'm not nearly as familiar with the song, he was awesome and killed it. My stomach and face hurt from laughing and smiling so hard. This is what relaxing and lettin' loose is all about people. You might not pin Steve as a rapper. But, you see, back in the day Mr. Steve was quite different. Let me see if I can find you a picture.
Ahh, we go.
Those are shorts, people. ANDDDD!!( I always tease him.) He's so tan. I haven't seen Steve with a tan in the 6+ years we've been together.
And here's Steve lettin' loose on Wednesday night.
very dark...but if you look closely, the Mr is shakin' his tushy! LOL
And now where are we. Ok, Thursday.
Friends and FOOD. Of course there was food. Come on. Ya gotta eat right?!
Thursday started out with a girl's breakfast at our favorite spot. Kelly and I ordered our signature "Bistro omelet with egg whites, no sausage, swiss cheese, grits and wheat toast" and followed our feast with a trip to a nearby park with her girls.
Miss Chloe was struttin' her cute self.
Addison mastered these fun swing steps.
Just chillin'...
Man, I wish I could fit myself in one of those.
Later, we met up with Jen and Sean for celebrating and...can you guess??!!
I know it's a tough one...
We rang in Sean's birthday over crab fries, mussels, crab legs and lobster rolls.
I had my first ever lobster roll. It was awesome-o!!
When the four of us get together, one thing is for sure. Ok, two things are for sure. We all CAN eat. We all CAN talk.
Ok, and a third, we all have fun, laugh and find hilarious topics to talk about.
Sean and Jen. As Jen would say, "almost married bugs" :)
Me and the Mr
So, are you bored yet? Hungry yet? Should I leave you all alone?
Ok, one more day before I start gettin' ready.
We were lounge lizards all day. Lazy good for nothin' bums. We headed out later because I needed to pick out my bridesmaid dress for Jen's wedding. Or should I say pick out my size. Didn't want to bring up the whole "infertility stuff" but they recommended I wait til closer to the wedding to see if I was pregnant before picking out my size. A couple months ago when we all went, I found my dress. So I marched my non pregnant self in there and ordered my dress in my non pregnant self size. Of course, I'm still hoping and praying in the next two months a baby finds itself a home in my belly...(ok, stopping myself...this is baby/sad stuff/IF stuff allowed)
Moving on...
We ended our week right. With what else but some TACO BELL!!
You know what makes me smile? Hearing other friends are enjoying themselves some Friday night fun food. No fancy feasts. Just good ole' drive through goodness.
Steve and I pull out with our gorditas and 99 cent nachos and I get a text from Kelly.
"Were you just at Taco Bell?"
My response - "YESSSS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA did you see us?"
Her's - "BUSTED!! HAHAHAHA you pulled out in front of us when we were pulling into McDonalds"
Love it. Pure awesomeness right there I tell ya.
I also learned of a few other friends enjoying themselves some taco bell loveliness.
Go Taco Bell!
I will end with just 2 more loves and be on outta here.
2.)Diet coke
When you combine the two, you get this.
What she's really after is the straw. Like obsessively determined to get the straw. She sees a cup with a straw and she goes wild. She won't stop til she gets it for her own lil' stash of toys she hoards all over various hidden spots in the house.
Um, yea. She rocks! She's the sweetest.
This is pure entertainment, everyone.
Muffin is drinking my diet coke. Ok, no she's not. But this picture makes it appear so :)
Don't choke yourself, Muffin!!
Almost got it!
And success!!!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!!
I'll be back sometime Tuesday.
Back to reality.
*Savoring these last few days and taking them for all they're worth. Because we all know what starts in a few days...
No, not just the end of this staycation.
The beginning of the *DUN DUN DUNNN*...the two week wait.
Ok, can't end this happy lil' post with those three evil words.
Hope everyone finds themselves knee deep in some fun this weekend!!! <3
"When you lose yourself, you find the key to paradise" <3
Lots of Weekend love,

WAAAAHHH! Why can't California have a movie theater where I can order fried pickles???!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!! I have a serious weakness for fried pickles, but you can't hardly find them out here! I love that you are a total foodie and love Taco Bell! My husband and I seriously did a Taco Bell run on our wedding night!!!! :)) So glad you had a good relaxing week with the Mr and the cats! :) Have a great time on your little mini getaway! Still holding out hope for you and prayers going up. Lots of love coming from California! :)
Sounds like you are having an amazing vaca. I wish our city had something like your movie tavern. Our greatest thing is the theater that serves alcohol ... which is lame. Great choice on the fried pickles. They're yummy.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation love :)
It sounds like a fabulous staycation! My husband and I had a similar week in April. He took 7 days off and we just stayed home and did fun things with our little boy. It was a lot of fun! I loved reading about your week!
Sounds like THE PERFECT week!!! Think I've got some ideas now for my last week off before I head back to work-- ughhhhhhh. Going to enjoy every last minute!
I'm so glad your vacation has been so much fun! All that food seriously puts a rumbly in my tummy! Andy and I were good and ate at home last night, but I totally think we're going to Taco Bell tonight :-)
I hope the rest of your vacation is just as fun and relaxing!
a theater and dinner!!!!! waaaaaaaaaow....never heard of... :)
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha rapper steve! :) so glad you are having fun, minion! love you :)
Looks like a great staycation! And yes, you ARE making me hungry. Love the rapper pic! Enjoy the rest of your time off!!!
Okay, first of all, I'm craving fried pickles more than anything now...and I've never even tried them! I'm also a pretty huge fan of Zesty the rapper--those pictures were priceless!! I hope you two enjoy your last few days of vacation! Love and lots of taco bell~~~ xoxoxo~~
Sounds like you are having fun!!! I love the pictures of your cat, way too cute!! Gosh, I remember having to pick out my bridesmaid dress for my sisters wedding when we were in the baby wait game, I will tell you that I sucked it up, went and ordered my dress in my non-pregant size and then ended up feeling pretty glued in when I turned up 9 weeks pregant at the wedding, I had some very nice cleavage and my son loves to tell people he was "at" my sisters wedding!! Take care!!
Sounds like an awesome break. All this talk about food I'm going to have to get up and make myself some macaroni cheese in a minute
I so happy to hear your really enjoying yourself, you deserve it! You and that taco make me hungry for it every time!!
ooo la la you looked as gorgeous as ever on your movie/dinner in one date. Glad to see your vacation has you smiling! I am honored that you commented on my blog while in the "position"... consider it good luck? hehe. I am jealous, and cannot WAIT to be in the position... pillows under butt, legs in the air, and all. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your vacation:o). P.s. your kitties are as silly as mine. lol
your posts crack me up and I seriously mean really LOL!!! I'm glad you guys had a great time. I need one of those vacays to lose myself in, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Maybe when my mom finishes her treatment. I'm still praying that you get your miracle so very soon.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I'm jealous! :)
Following you from a blog hop.
Have a great day.
Nice time :).
I am following from the social hop.
Your pictures in this post are absolutely adorable!!!!! Especially those cat pictures!!! <3 And sounds like you are having a great vacation :) And eating some delicious food... that is one of my favorite things about vacations too!!! :) Happy Sunday!
what an awesome vaca :)
And I'm going to start using the term "lounge lizard" because of you :)~
And I LOVE THE MOVIE TAVERN! They have the best fried food, haha.
Our vaca starts this week :) I hope it's as good as yours!
ps. I love the karaoke photos.
Hi new follower from the blog hop
Really enjoyed your cute blog
Please come visit me anytime
It sounds like you had a great time! That movie theatre sounds AWESOME - one opened up like that around our old house - we just never got the chance to go. I'm all about pushing a button for instant service. ;)
All of your food descriptions... YUM. And just on the day when I decided that I need to go on a diet. All I can think about now is fried pickles and wings. Oh, and Taco Bell. Can you hear my stomach rumbling?
I'm glad you had such a good week! You deserved it, girly! :)
Sounds like you guys had a really great week! :) Steve looks so different in that picture!
I hope you guys are feeling refreshed and relaxed :)
<3 V
I'm slightly jealous of your staycation! I love how you got busted at taco bell too. I hope your week is nothing less than amazing! :)
Lotsa lovely pics :) The foodie ones made me soo hungry ;) New follower on GFC from Monday Mingle. Feel free to hop by my blog when you get a chance :0)
Hi there. What a cute blog! I love all the pictures. I am a new follower! Would love a follow back at I'm doing my first giveaway now:)
ahhhhhhhhhhh Maria! Im finally catching up on blogs! I love love love this post. I am sooo jealous of your staycation. For real! Everything looks so good and fun! Im sooo happy that ur enjoying yourself and taking it one day at a time. That's just it.. wwe gotta enjoy life right?? i love it!
Taco bell!! <3
and Steve wearing those shorts.. OMG. please tell me he doesnt still have those! hehe. jk.
Anyway.. huuuuuuuuuuuuge hug to u my friend!! As always, thinking of ya and hoping for the best for u!
btw.. have i ever told u how photogenic (wait.. photogetic??) damn .. well whatever word that THAT'S YOU!! u look so puuuurrrttty in all ur pics!!
Those pictures are so great!! Perfect song choice too - ZBB are so talented!
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