"Never Grow Up" Taylor Swift
It was just me and the kitties this afternoon. I opened up the sliding door to finally get some fresh, "real" air in the house and within moments, Twinkie and Muffin pranced their way over to find the perfect spot to watch the raindrops dance around the deck. I often wonder what they must be thinking as they so intently stare outside. I've got a feeling they've got quite the imagination.
This weekend got my own imagination working. It got me reminiscing. It added extra weight to my heart, leaving it heavy with love and the joy of innocence.
I didn't let "the crazies" get to me too much. I told myself that I was allowed to start wondering and driving myself crazy once it was over...and I've kept too busy to let them rain on my parade. Though, I'm going to say around Wednesday I will have a visit from them. :)
Thursday night I left my Mom's house with a huge box of my teenage keepsakes that were left in the attic. This weekend she is completing her move to my Nani's. I came home and spent hours rummaging through it all. The contents of the box had me laughing out loud, smiling and wiping tears filled with those sweet memories of being a kid again. The sight of a picture that used to hang in my old bedroom, all my favorite knick knacks, little trinkets that take me to a place where things were a bit simpler. A time where when things got tough, I could close the door behind me in my room, wind up the ballerina music box sitting on my shelf and let my fears and insecurities get lost in her twirling round and round.
This weekend Steve and I went to see Harry Potter. I fully admit to mocking it when I was younger and not seeing what all the fuss was about. Over the past few years, I'm seeing many things in a new light...and I found myself pleasantly surprised to have my eyes locked on the screen for the 2 and a half hours in the theater. I honestly used to just think all it was, was a bunch of little kid magicians on a mission...and in a sense, it is. But, I didn't notice all the lessons that were woven throughout the movie. I couldn't believe it when I actually got teary eyed at the end. Crying comes just as easy as laughing to me...but at a Harry Potter movie?! Who was this woman sitting next to Steve?!...surely, not me. In one of the last scenes when Dumbledore (the old me would totally make fun of me for blogging a paragraph about Potter) is talking to Harry, he says, "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it"
(I totally had to look up the exacts, you know I didn't remember that word for word)
Those words touched me and rang so true.
Me and Steve after the movie
Ahhh, Taco Bell...how I missed thee...it was a whole 31 days since our last visit... *yea, I totally went to check my blog to see the last date we had it :)
Me and the Minimuffin..."Get your taco bell breath away from me, Mama"
This weekend we went to Chloe's birthday party. There was nothing but love surrounding her. Watching the stir of people all gathered to celebrate such a sweet little girl's first year of life...little ones running through each room with excitement, giddy at all that a birthday entails. The laughter heard from outside as they pranced through the sprinkler, the light in their eyes as they helped open presents, their chocolate stained faces and the caramel popcorn stickiness still left on their hands....
Times like these...
They makes you yearn to be a kid again...where life's simple pleasures are all you know in life. Children...they truly embrace what it is to live well. live free. live BIG.
One of my gifts to Chloe was an album containing all of our memories together in the past year.
as you can see, I love photos and I LOVE Chloe. :)
She was ready to exchange her dinner for some hard earned sugar. Who doesn't love watching a newbie one year old tear into their own lil' birthday cake...instantly devouring it...leaving just as much icing on their face and fingers as the cake.
"Ok, this is my last bite...bring on the cake"
"I don't know what they're talking about...it's not that good"
"Oh, who am I kidding...this puts the zing in AMAZING"
"Must keep eating...nom nom nom nom...ughhh my belly has no more room"
"I can do anything with cheers from my sister"
"Okay girls...it's all yours...I can't breathe...I'm gonna
Kelly and Kurt did an awesome job creating the cutest beach themed Birthday!
Present Time!
Adorable skirt from Jessica
and the sweetest sweater to match...each flower was hand sewn by Jess...so talented!!!
Jessica even matched her gifts!! :)
Chloe and Mommy
After Chloe went to bed, with a belly full of goodness, the grown ups and Addison enjoyed some games outside.
Kelly and Addison
Kurt and Addison
Jessica joined in the fun.
Addison and I
Kelly Jessica and I
Steve and I
Kelly and Kurt
Jessica and Kelly
Jessica and I
Addison and Jessica being silly :)
The four of us
Funny faced Addison with Jessica
She wanted the funny faces to continue (ps-I look like I'm missing my teeth? lol)
Then, she asked to take a picture in which "Jessica and I needed to hug"
(she's a great photographer) love it!
I couldn't resist an Addison hug...
It was time for bed and Kelly invited us to join her and Addison while they did the "bedtime rituals"...
Bathtime, teeth brushing, pj time, it was too late for a bedtime story but never too late for a few prayers.
These times send me back...
I remember getting so excited when it was bathtime, putting on a fresh pair of cute pajamas and picking out a story or two...and then saying my prayers with my Mom.
and it's a beautiful thing to see some things don't change.
I left with many more photos to add to my collection... and many more sweet memories...
Me and Kelly
Looking through that old box of keepsakes on Thursday, was a picture that brings me back to when Kelly and I were 9 years old...bff's for-eva... still dressed alike from "twin day" at school earlier that day and ready to "get our sleepover on" at my house. *tear
Me and Kelly 20 years ago
Didn't we all say it at some point in our life?
"I want to grow up...
I cant wait till I'm 18...21...
It will be so much better when I can do this or that"
I wouldn't trade my life now for anything...but I love watching life through a child's eyes. It's nice to go back every now and then...to just soak up the times when your imagination really made everything in those moments come true...
Times where you could...
*Stick those plastic cookies in your Fisher Price oven and WAA LAAA...a dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies were ready to eat in the matter of a few seconds.
*Dress Barbie up for a date...her looking cute as ever in a tight little mini skirt, complete with heels and a baby tee and know...Barbs ain't gettin' called a hoochie Mama for it.
*Take your pick out of your collection of baby dolls, swaddle them up in a soft, fuzzy blanket and instantly become their Mommy...
"Oh, I don't wanna grow up...wish I'd never grown up
I could still be little
Oh, I don't wanna grow up...wish I'd never grown up
It could still be simple"
Tonight, as I was helping my Mom with my Nani...I was rooting through a cabinet and found a fresh new box of crayons from well over a decade ago. I took them home and have been drawing with them on paper that is as old as me.
And if keeping the side effects away of - one week down, one more left...of the two week wait, means a little therapy from a box of vibrant colors...
Well, then I'll take it.
Wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday.
Sending out lots of love to so many of you <3

Isn't it funny how when we are younger we can't wait to grow up!?! And now... We want time to slow down! :)
Just the other day I was playing w my niece and nephew and it's amazing their sweet little innocent minds. I wish I were their age and play all day long w them! Lol.. But u are so right. Sometimes we gotta bring out our "kid" side!
So glad u had an amazing weekend. Those pictures are adorable!! Chloe is such a sweet pea. :) ugh u made me tear up when I saw the pic of u and ur bff. That's so incredible! 20 years... Such a blessing to have friends like that.
Thinking of u too! Praying that this week of the crazies doesn't take over. Lots and lots of positive vibes for u missy :) come onnnn baby dust!! extra big hugs to u !
.... " I dont wanna grow up... I'm a toys r us kid..." :)
Seeing that box of crayons made me so happy! Does it have the sharpener in the back? Oh, the memories! I love the pictures from Chloe's birthday party. That scrapbook idea is priceless--glad there weren't any "sightings" though ;) xoxoxo~~
I remember being younger and thinking "When I am 16 I am going to know so much!" And then when I was 16 I thought 18 was it and then 21 and so on. And now I am 29 and still don't feel like I have grown up in someways. You have a beautiful heart Maria and I wish nothing but the best for you! <3 Kerstin
That post was just what I needed! I have spent the past few hours feeling sorry for myself. We did our transfer today and our embryos are not as good as we hoped. We only had two who were decent and 4 that might it to freezing tomorrow.
What I forgot was this morning my closest local friend had her first baby. She struggled with a loss before this little one came along. We stopped at the hospital this morning to see her and the little one. I left with such a feeling of hope. Such a happy feeling of the possibilities of what her life might be and what our baby's life might be. I need to remember that feeling. Thanks for helping me!!!
Isn't it great when you find a forever friend. Those are the best!
Walks down memory lane can be so fun! I think it's awesome that you're still such good friends after 20 years!
Coloring is an AWESOME therapy! I still pull out my crayons and coloring books every once in awhile :-)
Such a sweet and loving post :)
Looks like a super cute and fun birthday party! I love the beach theme.
Hope everything is going well <3
I always enjoy your pictures. Glad thngs have been going well for you! The crazies are already trying to get at me too :o/ nooooo not already!!
I loved this! And I think it's really cute that you laugh as easily as you cry... I am the same way. And especially when it comes to this song. And Harry Potter made me cry a little too. Haha :) It is really funny how memories of the happiest times are sometimes the ones that make you cry & vice versa. Well, I loved this post! :) -Nicole
That was a great post :) I was into Harry Potter right from the beginning lol. Looks like that birthday party was loads of fun and lasted a while!
Found you hopping around, would love a visit back. Have a great day!
Such a cute post! New follower from the Lucky Wednesday Blog Hop. :) Hope you'll visit me and follow back.
What a unique and fun take on blogging! I love country music and you're right every day is a country song! LOL
This post really rings true to me in many ways. Life goes so fast. First you're young and all you want to do is grow up and once you're grown up all you want is to be young again. Then you have kids and you look back and it's insane how fast they get older. I try to do my best to at the very least keep a sense of humor about life...one that is actually very much like a teenage boy, if I'm going to be honest. I'm okay with that though, becuase it's how I stay young. :)
Great post, love all the photos! Following you back, have a great evening!
Lovely post! I <3 that song (whole album) very much. I sing it to my lil preteen that is becoming a little more anxious to grow up each day. that scrapbook is wonderful! great job! Looks like the birthday was nothing less than perfect!
PS: I also broke my taco bell streak yesterday ;) Hope you have an amazing weekend!
Cute pictures! & I love that TSwizzle Song!
♥Sweet Tea Serendipity
Chloe is gorgeous! Love all the photos of her :)
I still haven't seen HP yet and I'm a HP fan :( Boo!!
"Never Grow Up" - love that you hand wrote that..how cute!!
Hope everything is ok! I'm following you back now...you rock!
<3 -Cami from First Day of My Life Life
Hi Maria! I did actually get your last comment and I tried to email you, but for some reason the email on your website bounced back as undeliverable.
I actually got my first "stalkery" comment just two days ago... it was full of profanity and just really rude... so if you don't mind... could you email me at misadventuresinmotherhood@hotmail.com?
I'm a little leery about posting anything about my location after that awful comment! Thanks!
Smiling at ya! -Jenn
And wouldn't you know... I tried to edit your funny comment just to take out the part about where I live because of the creepy stalker guy who left a nasty comment on my blog... but I wanted to post the rest of your comment because it was hysterical... especially about Chaz being part creepy monkey... I was laughing my tail off!
But of course, as luck would have it, your entire comment got deleted and I can't get it back. Bummer... but anyway, email me! :-)
Smiles, Jenn
I'm so glad you were able to find that picture of us from twin day - best frEInds! Thanks for being such an important and special part of my life (and my family's too). We love you Mimi and pray for you every day!
your post put a smile on my face--i love the barbie getting dressed to go out and never considered being a hoochie mama!!
chloe and addison are adorable, they are lucky to have such a great photographer snapping away, capturing all the memories!
thinking of you in this week to come--that the crazies stay away, or at least come in a more subdued form! color all you can--i find with my high school students, after a test, quiz or final exam, coloring helps ease their tensions so much!!!
i don't think our "comforts" change as we get older, and we need to find refuge in them to keep our sanity as "adults"!
owh great moments and great photos :)
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