Taking it all in.
I tell ya, that's what it's all about.
It has been a busy past few days and the rest of October shows no sign of boring.
There are times when things get so jam-packed in our lives. They can lead us to just go through the motions. Going through the motions is fine in some instances.
But not in ones likes these...
Beautiful fall days spent outside with these girls.
Kelly and Chloe
Sister Hugs!
Me and Chloe
We found a pretty red leaf! Chloe says, "HAPPY Fall Y'all!!" *TOO CUTE*
Addison (in her AWESOME kitty shirt) and I
Steve and I had the pleasure of babysitting Friday night. Addison and Chloe got an A+!

Time for bed, Miss Chloe...aka popcorn time for Addison *hence the BIG smile ;)
After Chloe went to bed, it was time for some highly anticipated popcorn and "Caillou"
and silly faces! (my earring is bling blinggin')
Addison and "my prince"
We had a dance party...
And shortly after, Addison put on the most amazing show...complete with moves and faces I'd never seen until then
Fun times! Addison and Mimi!
Saturday, Steve and I took a drive. No music on the radio. Just us. The weather was gorgeous. And we found ourselves at an "old favorite" for some 7 layer dip and a round of margaritas.
Later, there was celebrating! Our DEAR friend, Karen, had a birthday to start enjoying.
And what better way to, than with pumpkin roll and musical candles!
My brother, Nicholas, sang "Happy Birthday!"
Me Nicholas and Mom
We had front row seats @ Nicholas' gig.
We sang along, made up our own songs as the night went on, LAUGHED A LOT and took.it.all.in.til 2am.
Karen Nicholas and Mom
Me and Mr.
Love these 2 hot Mamas!
Danielle's baby shower was on Sunday. Brigid picked out the sweetest and most "wish you could fit into them because they are so comfy, warm and cute" outfits for her soon to be granddaughter.
Danielle loved her baby bouquet for Aubrey!
Love what you see?! My friend, Jessica, made this gorgeous safari/fall themed bouquet.
Last night, our friends, Brie and Vinny (and their adorable children, Sam and Grace) came over for pizza, "salad from a bag" and "spinach dip from a jar"...It was so nice to finally catch up!
Sweet ladies, Brie and Grace
Sam and Vinny (and Steve's peace sign)
Brie, sleeping lil' Grace and I
Lately, there's a calmness in my heart.
There have been more happy tears than sad.
I'm grateful for that.
Times are busy...
But my mind doesn't feel as busy.
"Taking it all in" is a beautiful thing.
"Life's not the breath you take
The breathing in and out
That gets you through the day
Ain't what it's all about
You just might miss the point
If you don't slow down the pace
Life's not the breaths you take
But the moments that take your breath away"
All the moments. The good. The sad. The trying.
To get lost in them, is to truly live and learn
and LOVE.
Happy Tuesday <3

Great pictures, the sister hugs is so adorable. Sounds like some great times with family & friends. Those are definitely memories to be cherished. Time passes too quickly. We should all savor those precious moments in life!
i really needed this song today.... as you know, i'm going through so much right now. i love all of the pictures - and feel so bad i missed my day with kelly and the girls (wahhhhh!)! i love jessica's baby basket! she is so super talented! thanks for being there for me these past two weeks -- even though i haven't been myself. life can be so unfair sometimes. thanks for your prayers and i can't wait to get back and catch up...without all the tears :) love ya to pieces! xoxoxoxoxoxo
First of all I almost choked on my raisin bran while reading the comments you left on my blog! LOL! Your too funny!
I love the pictures of your weekend! Looks like it was action packed full of fun! You guys are really blessed to have such great close friends :)
I'm off to work now! Have a great day!
p.s. Did you notice that there is 7 exclamation points in this comments? LoL I hope that's a good sign for my day ;)
those girls are so precious! and i love that baby bouquet! beautiful!!!
Beautiful pictures Maria! I can see that you have been having some fun times. I am very happy for you and wish you all the best as always. Take care and I hope your Tuesday is going well.
Aww yayyy for good weekends =) I loved the image of you and Steve just driving around, no radio... You guys are great! I'm so glad you've had more to smile about recently. Sending lots of love and hugs and a big ol' $5 box right back at you! xoxoxo~
I'm so glad your tears are happy tears, Maria. You are busy making so many happy memories. Your story begins and ends with love and there's nothing better than that!
You are precious!
I LOVE this song! The chorus has become a favorite quote of mine.
I'm so glad to hear that there have been more happy than sad tears lately! That's a good thing! *hugs*
P.S. I love all your pics!
What a fun weekend! Those nachos look amazing! Love the pics as usual :)
Wow, you are totally living life moment to moment. What a beautiful thing. :-D
love the bling! ;) you always seem to be so on the go. i love it! i need to take a cue from you and get out and enjoy life more!
Maria, you look like such a natural with the little ones. You are going to be such an amazing mommy-- I know the waiting sucks but it's all going to be worth it in the end!
You are going to be such a fun mom! Popcorn and funny faces all in one night?! Every little kids dream! I must also say that I am envious of how often you post pictures of your wild faces! I need a lesson in crazy faces from the master!
Thank you for your comment! I love your blog :) And I am so glad to have the support of others going through this too! we will be lifelong friends. This is one of my fav. songs :) xoxox
Such beautiful pictures! I'm so glad there have been more happy tears than sad lately *hug*
I love all the pictures! Don't you love when you're the good kind of busy? :)
I love the dance party pictures. You two look so cute! :) And that dip! Girrrrrrl... I need that... with a few of those margs as well! ;)
AND! That baby bouquet! I might have to look into all that you friend does for the next baby shower I go to... that was so cute!
Keep loving life! Hope you have a good rest of the week! <3
Great pics!
I am following you from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you like to follow me back? http://www.susansdisneyfamily.com
thank you :)
Great moments :)
Loving you blog...warm :)
Come follow me back and say hi!
Hey Girl!!! Sending BIG smooches your way. Thanks for this warm, sincere, heartfelt post! You're a real treasure!
Aw Maria, I enjoy reading your posts so much! You look so natural with kids. It suits you so well! You are absolutely gorgeous! The pictures of the dance party crack me up. I absolutely love the song too! Thanks for always stopping by my site. It means so much to me! Your comments make my day:) xoxo
I found you listed on the Thirsty Thursday Blog hop and subscribed via GFC as masugr. Hope you can visit http://mywildcrazylife.blogspot.com and follow back!
Beautiful family pictures. Visiting from the hop, already a follower.
Love your photos your family looks very happy and the little girls are so cute. I completely again about everyday is a country song....I am new follower from Thirsty Thursday blog Hop....feel free to follow back at http://thetruth8624.blogspot.com/
Great pics! Hi! New follower from the Mingle With Us hop! I hope you'll stop by my blog and follow back! Thanks :) Through the Eyes of a Tiger
Your post fills me with hope! I used to dance with my now adult children to michael jackson on our coffee table... billie jean.. live on.. you rock!
We also had homemadecakefromabox! Yep, that's what we called it. It would always catch people off gaurd until they slowed down the sentence. :)
Those two little dumplings are adorable and you radiate around them.
your kitty looks like my Ms.Whippers! Pretty.
Love love love george strait and this IS a beautiful song. Love your playlist period.
Hi Maria! I love and adore your posts, they are so full and energetic and down to earth :)
I love the pics, the bouquet was real pretty, loved the giraffe print ribbon...the dip looked yummo too! You and your brother look alike heaps and it always looks like you have a wonderful time no matter where you are or what you are doing! I reckon we'd be great friends if it weren't for a few oceans between us lol
I bet those kiddos love spending time with you, you truly fill their little hearts with joy by the looks of it!!
Thanks for always visiting and commenting,
much love today
Kerry xo
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