*Since playlist.com currently disabled my last George Strait song, I figured I'd add another...
And what a perfect song for a fun filled weekend. Complete with crafts and bachelorette festivities.
Friday afternoon was spent at Jessica's. Craftin' it up. We dumped our bag of "Michael's" goodies on the table and quickly got to work. (after about an hour of gabbin' and lunch...not bad for us)
We started with this...
After wrapping yarn around the wreath...Oh, I'd say about 7,245,988 times, we got to this stage of the game.
don't worry, I didn't lose my teeth in the process...just making crazy faces while Jessica looks cute.
Ha! Jessica felt left out.
We kept taking turns giggling and laughing under our breath. Mostly, because we didn't do much talking. It's pretty unheard of. When Jessica and I get together we sound like a pack of ferocious turkeys!! We seriously don't shut up. EVER!!
The last time Jessica and I did anything crafty together, was when we worked on my wedding invitations over two years ago. I was in charge of glittering. Sounds simple right?! Well, Jessica gave me a big fat F. Maybe even an F-. It was all over me. Our dining room table and chairs. Even my face was covered. I'm gonna guess I wasted at least a half a cup of her precious sparklies. Still, the invites turned out beautiful...thanks to Jessica and all her glorious talents.
Just to give you an image of how crafting usually makes me feel...
This is me, when we worked on the invites til' 4am!!
Let's just say, Jessica shouldn't have high expectations of crafting with me.
But, this was better than glitter. Better than wedding invites. It really was.
It was so therapeutic and relaxing. Except for the 31 times I burned myself with my handy dandy glue gun. They're no joke! I kept letting out sudden loud screams. We were cracking up! I even have a battle wound on my left pointer finger to remind me of our day. :)
I gotta give mad props to Jess...aka Martha Stewart Junior. She taught me how to make flowers of all kinds...let me in on some secrets. And had the best idea on how to arrange all my little creations.
After 5 and a half hours of some serious yarn twisting, felt cutting and glue drying...
My wreath was finished!! I love it! I want to wear it as a necklace!
Jessica's wasn't quite done. Though it looked AMAZING already!! Take a look!
Isn't hers so unique and beautiful!?!
PS-don't think Jessica is some wacky "celebrate Christmas in October" person, with her red n' green tablecloth...she was just protecting her dining room table from crazy, clumsy, glitter and glue gun people like me!
I'm pretty hooked! I told her she better watch out...I'm up for a craft a week. Okay, I will settle for one a month even.
You all can laugh at me...I got teary eyed on the way home. As I've mentioned in my past few posts..."taking it in" has been the theme for October. And a day with my dear friend, doing something she adores and is so, so exceptional at...learning peace through a department I usually find a lack of patience in...
made for a truly sweet day.
Couldn't have done it without you, Jessica!!
The rest of the weekend was in celebration of this beautiful bride to be...
Alexis and Jen came over for peartinis and after, we headed into town for some pre-celebratory fun!
Best Buds, Jen and Alexis
Jen and I
Jen Me and Alexis
Lots of pictures from the Bachelorette night. Because the pictures speak for themselves!
Beautiful Sisters...Jen Meg and Jillian at dinner.
Unbeknownst to us, the server decided to turn her dessert - a cannoli, into something a "little" more interesting...I love the expressions!!
Now, if you can't take a little bachelorette "fun", close your eyes :)
UMMM, YEA! LOL this picture cracks me up. Jen looks so serious and pretty and then you see the errr, uhh, CANNOLI!
After, came some groovin'. There were definitely a few new moves invented that night. Country music was NOT blasting through the speakers.
Alexis and Jen shakin' it!
Me and Jen
Lots of smiling and cameras flashing...
Tons of dancing...
what is happening here!?
4 more days and Jen becomes a Mrs!!! So excited for her and the soon to be Mr!!
*Making Autumn wreaths...celebrating friends...dancing the night away...
All so good for the soul*
*I'll be back later this week. Normally, this stage in the game (10days past ovulation), the crazies set in. I'd say compared to the usual, only half have of em' are here. There are all sorts of other emotions visiting. And I'm working through them as they come.*
Have a fantastic day everyone!!
Happy Tuesday,

Hi Maria! :)
I feel like I've been having withdrawls from my favorite blogs! Yours was the first one I hopped over to today - I'm in desperate need of catch up!
First, thanks for all of your great comments this past week. I really love hearing from you! :)
I LOVE the wreaths! They turned out so cute! Yay for gettin' crafty! :)
Your previous post looks to be filled of yummy goodies that I must get my hands on ASAP. Your posts almost always have a way of making me hungry. ;)
I'm glad to see that you've been having a great time! I'm so jealous of your picture taking abilities - lol. I always have good intentions of taking pictures - the follow through is where I have my problem. ;)
I hope your week continues to go well -- and that there is no need for the crazies! (But - if there is, that's okay!!!) ;)
<3 Stephanie
Hi Maria! Great blog! I am now happily following via the Welcome Wednesday hop! I hope you will follow me back! Blessings!
I am glad you had such a wonderful time Maria. The wreaths look beautiful. I am also happy that you all had a whale of a time celebrating with your friend who will get married soon. The pictures look great! I hope everything will work out for you.You are a wonderful person and deserve to be happy. Take care and all the best to you.
The wreaths turned out so good. Makes me want to get busy and make one myself. It looks like you and the girls had a blast. Just love the cannoli! So cool of the server to do that;) I love looking at your pictures, you always have a smile on and always looks like your having so much fun. Thanks so much stopping by my blog and all your kind words.
I'm glad you had such a great weekend! Those wreaths turned out so well and the bachelorette party looks like just the right kind of crazy =) Thinking of you this week!!! xoxo
The wreaths look awesome! I wanna go out and make one now!
Suuuuper cute wreaths! And it looks like you two are having a great time putting them together. You are inspiring me to include more about "regular life" on my blog. I just don't think I have as much interesting stuff going on that you do!
The bachelorette celebration looked great. LOVING the canolli pic hahahaha.
Hope you are doing okay 10DPO and enjoying this beautiful October still.
Lastly, I am in love with the song this post. One of my current favorites - I seem to always be singing it in my head :)
xoxoxo ttyl
First off... U know I love me some George!! I have been having blogging withdrawals and I came straight to ur page and to a great surprise! :)
You never seize (or is it cease?? Lol) to amaze me!! I love your pictures and that wreath looks awesome!!! I always say I want to try one out and make one. Maybe soon... but urs came out too cute!!!
And that party... Oh my!! I'm sure it was one hell of a party! Lol that cannoli was umm... Looking tasty! :)
Thinking of u as always sweet pea!! Hope this week and the next treat you well. Love ya!
Those wreaths are so cute! Your pictures are so cute. It looks like you had a blast doing this. You are such a happy person and your positive attitude in everything I try to emulate. Have a fantastic day!
You ladies are ALL so beautiful and I could feel the fun exude through the screen. I was giggling along with you! I love this post and needed this post today. I really did. Thank you.
I'm having a GIVEAWAY if you would like to come visit!! Hugs. Tammy
Hi I'm a new follower from the blog hop
Looks like you had fun! My daughter only hot married 4 weeks ago it was all such fun.
Please come visit me any time
Beautiful attitude by a beautiful girl! Cheers to a continued beautiful month!
FEROCIOUS TURKEYS!!!! Girl... you are just too much! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
Looks like y'all had so much fun! So happy you got to have such a fun-filled weekend! Thoughts are with you during this "crazy" time... XOXO
I love your wreaths! I just tried a yarn one for the first one a few weeks ago and loved how it turned out. They are so simple! I am your newest follower and found you on the blog hop. Come check out my blog when you have time. :)
How cool are those wreaths?? I've never seen anything like that before!! They turned out great! I'm glad to see you're taking it all in this month. I got a lot of laughs out of your posts, and I couldn't be happier for you. You look amazing in all of your pictures, and I am excited for Jen's wedding pictures!!! Hope the rest of your month goes as well as the first half! *mwuah
Mmm Cannoli! LOL It looks like you had a great time! And did I mention how yummy that cannoli looks? HaHa I'm going to blame it on the hormones. But does that ever look good?!
Looks like you all had a great time and the wreaths are super cute! I'm usually not much of a crafter but I'm getting there. lol
I am a new follower from the hop :)
Hi Maria! Thanks pictures look so cute. I am jealous how shinny your hair is. I hopped over from the Thursday Friends Cafe hop and am now following you. I hope you can give the love back :)
Love your blog, my favorite kind of blog is one filled to the brim with wonderful pictures. Every one was having so much fun in these!!
New followers from Friends Cafe.
Awesome blog! Love those wreaths!
Following you from the blog hop!
I keep meaning to make one of those wreaths!
Found you through the thursday friends and giveaways!
Love the wreath project! Adding it to my mental to-do list.
Hopping by via Thirsty Thursday from http://cupcakecucumber.blogspot.com/ to follow your blog!
Hi there, I am a new follower from Blog Hop Thursday. I hope that you can follow me back at my Kids e-Connection blog. Thanks, have a nice weekend!
Um!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am seriously so in love with your wreath! I can't even believe it, it turned out so cute and you are so talented, missy! I can't believe Kelly and I didn't get an invite to make pretty wreaths for our doors (I just "tuna'd" you). I'm going to try to make one! You know how boring my front door is :) And I love all of the pictures, and busted up laughing at the picture from when you were making your wedding invites. hahahahahaha! Awwww and I loved all of the pictures of Jen's bachelorette party. Just so happy for her and Sean! Big congrats to them, and just can't wait to see her pictures! I know she is going to look like a total princess <3 Love ya and have so much fun this weekend. I'm praying for the crazies to get chased away!!!!!
~ Kelly
I love the wreaths. I'm a new follower from the blog hop.
Please feel free to check out my blog at
Great job on the wreath!! Aren't they so easy and fun :)
Where are you going to hang it?
It's great that you are bonding and making memories with your friend at the same time xo
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