my period came on saturday. i was prepared.
Jen and Sean's day was filled with all things good. The ceremony was beautiful. Jen was beautiful. There were happy tears all around. Lots of smiling. Lots of laughing. TONS of dancing. I think we all have blisters to prove it. Jen requested her dj play "no country music" at the reception. *GASP* I'd never torture her wedding post with such twangy tunes! :) I remember lots of movin' and shakin' on the dance floor to this song. It's happy. It's feel good. It's encouraging. We'll go with it.
A few big handfuls of memories to remember their wedding weekend...
Jen checking us in, Friday night...along with our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Champagne and Pinot Grigio
How many girls does it take to open a bottle of wine?!
The hairdresser requested our hair be washed and dried naturally the night before. This is me honoring her request.
When going through my things, I found this. Don't stick an uncovered lint brush in your bag. maxi pads, q-tips, a bag of cotton balls and some strands of hair...Awesome!
Jen, bright n' early...getting all dolled up
Comfy morning
Cozy n' sweet outfits from Jen
Meg, Jillian, Jen, Alexis and Sarah
Jen's pretty sisters and Mom
Alexis, Me and Sarah
The hairdresser worked wonders.
lovely flowers
Here she comes!
Pictures in the city
The new Mr. and Mrs.
Me and the Mr.
Quick stop at their favorite bar
The boys ate hoagies and drank beer.
The girls danced.
Sarah and I made fun of our "luck" and gave ourselves some tampon moustaches.
The happy husband and wife.
Jen and her Dad
Everyone danced the night away.
Jen's Dad caught the glove...dancing to Michael Jackson
My hubby was dancing with all the ladies
and men...
Me Jen and Alexis my own little world
Steve and I
Wishing Jen and Sean many blessings in this next chapter of their lives.
Last night, Jen texted me a picture of the amazing view from their honeymoon, asked how we were doing and if I got my period. I didn't tell her on Saturday. That was not what the day was about.
She sent prayers our way, 10 virtual pina coladas and the words...
"when one door closes, another one opens"...
It got me thoughtful she was to think of us when they're on their honeymoon, when they should be too busy sippin' on drinks out of a coconut...
and how simple, yet meaningful those words are...
there are lyrics very similar in this song...
"maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road"
It's all starting to make sense. And, in my upcoming posts, I will do my best to make sense.
Wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday!!

Wow! What beautiful moments you captured!! Fantastic job!! :)
Looks like an incredible wedding and an incredible time. So happy for them!
Happy Tuesday :)
<3-Cami from First Day of My Life
lovely wedding!! they are so much fun to be a part of, aren't they?!
you looked beautiful. i like those lyrics...that can apply to so many people. everyone actually!
Awww you looked so beautiful! I'm glad you ended up having a great time despite AF. Just shows that she can try, but she can't ruin everything!! I've been thinking of you and sending lots of happy vibes your way. XOXOXOXO!!!
Maria I'm so sorry your period came! LOVE the bridesmaid dresses.....everyone looked so pretty, thanks for sharing! On to another month......
Looks like everyone had a great time. I love weddings. Great pictures. You all looked so beautiful and the hubby and you are too cute:) Sorry to hear about you know rebecca said on to another month.
Beautiful pictures to remember a very special occasion. You all look great! Heartiest Congratulations coming all the way from Jamaica to your friend and her husband. I wish them an everlasting love. You have a wonderful friend Maria. She still found time to find out about you even during her big moment. That is what I call true friendship. I really admire persons who remember their friends no matter what. Take care and as always lots of love and best wishes to you.
I'm lovin' that black and white pic near the end of you and Steve!!! I like the grey suits and you look beautiful (so does the bride) haha and it looks like a great time was had!!
Looks like a beautiful wedding and you all looked so good!
Your hair looked BEAUTIFUL! Well you all looked fabulous! The bride and you gals... and of course the gents looked super handsome!
I am extremely sorry about your visitor. Blech!!!!! I'm sending you lots of virtual bottles of wine!
First I'm sorry about your visitor. Next month-happy thoughts! The pictures are beautiful. You are stunning. I'm envious of your hair. I used to have very dark hair before I dyed it blond and sone days, I wish it was still that color. Looks like such a fun wedding. Love the tampon mustache!
Ummmm!!!! I LOVE the pictures!!!! Jen looks like a Fairytale princess!! And Sean looks so handsome. I loved their tuxes! You look so teeny tiny and so great! I can't believe what a great job the hairdresser did with everyone. It looks like everyone had a great time, and the clutches are to die for!!!! Awww I am so happy for them, and I know you are too! Thinking ab you, and hope we can catch up next week. Love u lots!!!
Looks like a wonderful wedding, and lots of fun! You looked lovely, Taco Head! Sorry about that stinkin' Aunt Flo! But BIG hugs and kisses to you for being positive, brave, and amazing. XOXO
WOW! What a gorgeous wedding!!
I'm stopping in from ICLW (#5)
I'm sorry to hear about your period! Though I'm glad to hear you were prepared! *hugs*
What a beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing all the pictures! It looks like all of you had a really nice time!
Again, you picked a great, greattttt song for this post. I'm basically convinced we have identical music tastes my dear.
The pictures - fabulous! I think you are so beautiful, and that picture of you and the hubby - WATCH OUT, hot hot hot. Such a cute couple.
I'm not even going to acknowledge that visitor-that-will-remain-nameless. I hate her on both of our accounts this month.
PS, I totally think we should be friends on FB. Check yes or no!!!! hahahahahahah
You looked stunning and so did the bride but this is your blog so I think you are the prettiest ever!
"when one door closes, another one opens"...
That made me tear up too. Not like I haven't heard it before, it just really is hitting home.
WOWZA. What great pictures! You, the bride, the flowers, everything - so BEAUTIFUL! And I love the boys' suits! Very nice! ;)
...and in regards to those first two sentences: poo on the first part, and I'm glad about the second. As always, I admire you SO much and I'm sending more prayers.
Glad to be back online and able to catch up with you. Hope you have a good week! <3
Such a lovely, happy wedding!
Hi - Am your newest FOLLOWER from the Wed blog hop - nice to meet you----love the country songs feature on your blog, too.
Hope you have a great Hallowe'en!
beachside cottage
I love your outfit and this picture, you look so good, that dress is really cool and the color and shape are perfect, and that wedding party seems like a blast, also the bride looks radiant and very pretty! Your blog is lovely (just saying’) and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!
Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
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