"Wildflowers" - Tom Petty
It's late and I should be asleep, but I feel pretty well rested from the past few nights. I always look forward to the night. It's the best time for me to reflect on everything and collect my thoughts. The past few days have been exactly what we wanted them to be...relaxed and with the ones we love. We know this new week is going to be "back to the drawing board" and I'm happy for the extra time we had...with the holiday weekend, to spend time together and make the best of it.
Thursday, my mom and I did some bargain shopping...had dinner together and a lot of laughs. Friday, Steve had off. We were excited to have the day to do whatever we wanted. We planned on running some errands and seeing my brother at his gig later that night. Steve suggested we get a happy hour drink and relax. I didn't know if I felt like having one. We hadn't eaten too much yet...and we all know how that goes...one drink, and you feel like you've had 5, when there's no food in you. I agreed anyway. We were having good conversation and enjoying ourselves...and after a bit, Steve was talking about our "situation." I was happy to hear all that was on his mind, but he was just saying earlier how relaxed he was and how he didn't want to have to think about it all till next week. I got upset. We had one of those, "shouldn't have drank on an empty stomach" arguments. We apologized and agreed...we needed food...we needed to take advantage of the next few days and appreciate the "free" days we get each cycle. We went to the mall...sat in the food court, where people watching is always at its best and then headed to see my brother play. I love going to his gigs. He's so passionate and dedicated to his music because it's what he loves...and I respect that so much. He is so talented and it just comes natural to him, to play the guitar and sing. He was singing all of our requests and adding ones that he knew we'd like. He chose, "Wildflowers" as one of the songs to sing at my wedding. He also sang it on Friday night. It's such a sweet and happy song. I found myself listening to it all through the rest of the weekend.
"You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free"
Me and my brother, Nicholas @ his gig @ The Craft Ale House <3

Steve and Nicholas
Nicholas <3

much needed grub!!
Day with Mom <3

Saturday, I met up with my mom and friend, Jessica. We caught up over lunch and then I knocked out all my cleaning in one big swoop. Later, that night, Steve and I dyed Easter eggs. He started to boil them before I got home. I was laughing out loud when I went to check them out. He had 3 dozen, boiling! If anyone needs some eggs, you know where to find them. It's fun to be a kid again...and when we came down to the last few eggs, I wished we had more. 3 dozen wasn't too many after all!
Muffin, always wanting to get in on the action :)
Lol, dumbo, me...I'm still scrubbing my hands!
all 36 of em' :)
Muffin loved her egg!
Krimpet and her eggie!
Twinkie stuck his tongue out at it! lol
Jessica and Mom <3

Me and Jessica <3

Half asleep Twinkie and Muffin, greeting us, as always!
We had a nice Easter. We made brunch here and played games...nothing fancy...and it was great to stay in...spend more time enjoying it, rather than spend all day in the kitchen or out. I wish it didn't go by so fast!
Pictures of our Easter <3

Steve and I visiting my Nani <3

Nicholas and Mom @ Nani's <3 *nice sweatshirt ;)

Brigid and Dad @ our house <3

Nicholas Me Brigid and Dad <3

Steve and Brigid <3

Dad and I <3

My Dad...the Easter Bunny! LOL
Easter Baskets from my Mom <3

Ashley Me Nicholas and Mom <3

Me and Mom <3

Me and Steve <3

Ashley and I <3

Me Nicholas and Mom <3

Mom and Twinkie w/his new toy!
Time to eat!!
Playing Cranium...girls against boys!
Nicholas and Steve won...by a smidge :)
Twinkie doesn't want a picture!!
Muffin Bunny Fluffin!
The week has come to an end and it's time to get ready for the new one. We have an appointment on Thursday to talk to our doctor about everything. He's been away, and that helped us in making the decision last week, to stick with taking a break from clomid this cycle. Later this week, we will be approaching mid-cycle. We are trying to keep an open mind and wait to see what he's thinking. If he agrees, we'd like to try this cycle naturally...instead of naturally with added iui...mostly, for a little break. I know there are going to be a lot of emotions soon to come...and more questions. I'm hoping this streak of calmness remains for as long as it can and into our appointments. It's been so nice to truly be able to take things in these past couple weeks...
"You belong among the wildflowers
You belong somewhere close to me
Far away from your trouble and worry
You belong somewhere you feel free
"You belong somewhere you feel free".....
1 comment:
:) love your mom's sweat shirt! haha cute! <3
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