It's still my January.
Sleep is coming soon.
I want to remember the first month of 2012, while gearing up to give a *ready as I'll ever be* welcome to February.
And, THANK YOU, January.
You added more lessons to my collection.
I truly learned from you.
Our Anniversary celebration was just the right mix of simple and spontaneous.
A late afternoon food fest over a round of our favorite martinis...
Last week, Steve found out one of his favorite bands, TOOL (yea, we have such similar music taste), was coming to our area. He felt guilty asking to go during our anniversary weekend. Come on now...He has endured plenty of twangy-twang-hee haww concerts with me. Still, he needed a little push to buy the tickets. So, I got Muffin to help me out. We sent this right on over to him and knew he'd be unable to resist.
Muffin says - *Do it, Dad!! TOOL Rocks!*
And, so we went.
It makes me happy to see him happy.
True story - it took me about 11 tries before I could figure out the difference between *rock on* and *surf's up!*
It was loud. It was full of flashes of light and clouds of smoke. It was full of all types of decked out peeps.
There was a spider crawling on Steve's shoulder before the concert started. I pointed it out to him as calmly as possible and he danced a dance I will never forget.
Once the show began, Mr never sat down once. He sang every word. (even if I couldn't understand what they were saying half the time.)
Like I said - it makes me happy to see him happy.
We weren't far from Atlantic after a rockin' good time, we found some rest and relaxation.
I realized how hungry I was once that guacamole wouldn't stop starin' at me in the elevator.
We did the healthy thing, and ordered burgers and steak fries at 2am.
And after a good night's rest, we were headed for a bit of sun and some down time.
Mr is not naked.
I want a hot tub.
A chilly stroll on the beach.
A hot pink sunset.
Happy 3 years.
totally sportin' lipstick on my teeth here. Oops!
Atlantic City, we love you.
The kitty portion of this post is brought to you by - Little Miss Muffin and Burger King.
Muffin loves her a good straw.
She speaks to it. Tries her best to draw it closer.
Ouch!! That's my ear!!
Ouch!! That's my nose!
That's it! You're not too smart for me!
Okay, maybe you are. Lemme take a step back.
Woahhh, Muffin...simmer down, girlfriend!
Watch the video to see what happens next.
Fluffy Rockin' Lovin',

Yeehaw!! First commenter again!!! Gonna go for a record breaking three ;)
Hey cute pics!! I'm loving that your Mr did a dance you'd never forget lol, maybe you should have videoed that for us all hehehe
Glad you had a good time out and HAPPY 3 YEARS guys xoxox
Happy Anniversary!! I'm so glad you both had a great get-away!! I think you should get a hot tub!! Love you!
It looks like you and Steve had a GREAT anniversary! You're such a good wife for going to a Tool concert, lol. I'll stick more with your taste of the twang! :)
I'm glad you guys got to have such a great weekend. As always, the food pictures are making my tummy rumble...BADLY :)
Can you believe January has already come and gone? NUTS! I'm ready to see what February holds... wishing you good luck and happy times!!! <3
You two make the best couple ever. Oh and I LOVE your cat :) Beautiful post. Loved all the photos - looked like a super amazing time!
<3-Cami from First Day of My Life
We have these skinny cow ice creams here and I eat them, soemtimes, too many of them truthfully. When I go to the freezer, the first animal to meet me is OSCAR my black and white. I open the ice cream, take a bite, rest my arm at the elbow on my table. Oscar helps himself to licks of my ice cream. Then I will say, mommy's turn and he'll pull back. Then I'll say Ock turn. And he begins to lick his vanilla again.
Now, milk shakes, yogurt, he will take his paw, put in the cup or paper bin and then stick it in there and grab some, lick his paw clean. looks at me and doe s it again. Of course with this case, I know i'm done eating it so he's free to paw away.
Now the concert, I wish I lived nearer to you. Hubs would go with your man & I'd totally take in a concert or more with you. hehehe
Too cute this post. Hugs.
Happy Anniversary! Your kitty pictures always make me laugh! May February be full of more love, laughter, and lessons.
Happy anniversary to the best couple! I love your rock on picture! You guys always look to have so much fun together. I wish you all nothing but love and happiness!!
Looks like you guys had a fantastic anniversary! So, you had me seriously studying my hands when you said it took you awhile to figure out the difference between rock on and surfs up! haha..
Muffin is so funny!!
wow looks like a lot of fun! i'm glad you had an awesome time :)
Looks like you guys had a fabulous anniversary! Y'all are such a picture perfect pair. I love the way you enticed him to go see Tool...too cute! You are so sweet for putting his happiness first. Steve is one lucky fella! :)
ps your kitty is the cutest, funniest thing ever
Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing all the pics.
Coming by from the Thursday Blog Hop. Following via GFC.
Looks like it was a wonderful January :) New follower from the Thursday hop. Happy Anniversary :)
Hi Maria,
From the wonderful pictures I can see that you and Steve had a great time celebrating your anniversary. I am very happy for you both. It is good to be able to celebrate happy times! As always I love the pictures and oh Muffin is such a cute cat! Take care and I wish you both continued happiness. All the best in this new month. Lots of Love, Friendship and best wishes to you both.
hehehehe you get excited about pooping too. That is awesome. I text Ryan and brag when I am!
Looks like you had one amazing anniversary!! Fun concert, good late night food, walks on the beach... sounds like paradise to me! I myself am a rock music fan, but not a tool fan. I totally get going to make your man smile!
I LOVE the picture of the rocker kitty hahha. You are so clever. You would be the funnest person in the world to get text messages from bahaha.
My kitty spaz is the SAME way with straws!! It's so funny. We have to keep an eye on our drinks at all times. I just give him straws as toys a lot too. He's the only one out of all our cats that loves them. It's so cute how they have their own personality!
Ohhh and coors light=my fav. Look at those icey blue mountains.. yummmy! I almost forgot what it's like to get a burger and a beer until I saw your picture!
Hey I'm a new follower from the Thursday hop. It looks like you had a great anniversary and I love the blog (except it freaked me out with the music playing... I was trying to turn off my itunes and couldn't figure it out lol)
I hope you stop by at and follow if you like it. I'm looking forward to your posts :)
Everything about this post makes me merry. Thank you for sharing! Your anniversary looked amazing and I adored every aspect of the food posted. I want a big, fat, juicy burger and fries right now, in fact. Mmm. A Martini too!! You both seem to be meant for one another.
LOL @ Muffin!
Found you on the blog hop - check out my blog & follow me too!
Happy Anniversary!!!! It looks like you had a great time. Thank you for your comment on my blog. Annabelle is still sideways (daughter like mother). I can't wait to meet her and post pictures of her for you to see.
BTW this post made me smile!! BIG HUGS!!
I am sitting here thinking how much AGAIN I realize we have in common, and now how much our HUSBANDS have in common. SO how about next time Tool is around, we all get together? hahaha. Sounds like you had a fabulous time.
I think about you every day! I am excited and anxious to hear how things go this month. I am praying for you both and can't wait to see how everything plays out. You are amazing and you deserve all the happiness in the world.
Thanks for your kind words and encouragement this month, and every other month before that as well. You are such a great friend :)
Happy Friday!
Enjoy your weekend!!!
It looks like you had such a great time! My bf and I don't have similar taste in music at all (he likes metal), bit I go with him to the shows because I know it makes him happy.
I found you through the Friday blog hop and thought I'd stop by to say hi! Please check out my blog as well if you get a chance.
Hi! I'm following from First off, I love the name of your blog, so true! Second, Happy Anniversary! Check out my blog if you get the chance!
What? No Tool background music for this post?!? Happy Anniversary-- glad you two got some rest and relaxation. I always find that AC is exactly the place for it!
Happy Anniversary!
I tagged you in a post on my blog.
Happy Anniversary you guys! Maria, you have been in my thoughts and I hope that life is wonderful in 2012. See you soon for some pamper time!
Hooray for Muffin getting that straw!
Happy anniversary to you two!!! Looks like you had an amazing time, especially getting to see Steve's spider dance. Lol! That must be your good karma for going to the concert with him. :)
Happy anniversary!! Love this post! To many many more!! :)
Hey there hon! I just read over several of your recent posts to catch up, and as always, they tug at my heart and make me smile at the same time. I loved reading about your wedding and how wonderful it was...and how in the midst of all the craziness that usually surrounds weddings, you were able to see what was really important and what truly mattered. Beautiful!
Oh, and your cat is hysterical...although you probably already know that! LOL
Hugs to you!
Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood :-)
I bought the coffee creamer today. Thank you so much!
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