*Kelly and Mom, if you're reading - Sing along with me, girlfriends!*
"People Are Crazy" - Billy Currington
"People Are Crazy" - Billy Currington
There's snow coming down at a steady pace this morning. It might not last for long. So, I switched up my usual spot on the couch. And am in Steve's favorite chair to get a better view.
January is doing an awesome job at moving right along. And I'm doing my best to catch each day as it comes. It's been a mix of calm and crazy around here. Nothing in between.
Isn't that how it always goes?!
It's Saturday. And as I sit here dunking stale peanut butter cookies into my coffee,
I'm telling myself to take it easy. To take a breather. To eat however many cookies I damn well please.
And concentrate.
On only the good today.
Lots of good...
Last week, I spent the day with Kelly and her kiddos. She cooked up some yummy quesadillas, rice, and taquitos, while Kristopher and Karina opened their belated Christmas presents.
It's Saturday. And as I sit here dunking stale peanut butter cookies into my coffee,
I'm telling myself to take it easy. To take a breather. To eat however many cookies I damn well please.
And concentrate.
On only the good today.
Lots of good...
Last week, I spent the day with Kelly and her kiddos. She cooked up some yummy quesadillas, rice, and taquitos, while Kristopher and Karina opened their belated Christmas presents.
In just a few short months, these cute babes got so big!
It was great to see them!
This girl has a way of making me shoot rice out of my nose from laughing so hard.
We had a little after-holiday shindig last weekend.
Muffin says, "Where my peeps at?!"
There's something so refreshing about seeing so many of your loved ones all together...
Relaxed. Having fun. Enjoying each others company.
All getting along.
It's wonderful.
It's uncomplicated.
The way it's supposed to be.
Kelly was totally striking up a conversation with our chandelier. No lie.
I babysat the girls earlier this week. When Addison saw me, the first thing she said was, "You don't look like Mimi!" Laughing, I asked, "Why, because I look tired and am not wearing any makeup?!"
Her response - "UH HUH!"
Yikes. Looks like I do need some help.
"Addy Salon Hairdress," as she called herself, quickly came to my rescue.
I let her discover the wonders of my purse big bag of crap. She went to work within seconds.
A little lot of lipstick.
Some swirls of powder and blush.
An extra set of painted on eyelashes.
1, 389 sprays of detangler.
I felt pretty. Oh so pretty.
Thank you, Addy Salon Hairdress!!!
Chloe couldn't believe her eyes.
After some major face scrubbin', I was back to "No makeup Mimi!"
And Chloe woke up from her nap, happy and hungry.
Dig on in, Chlo Chlo!
Thursday, my Mom and I ended up on a little adventure.
It wasn't long before we were craving a hot beverage.
There we were. Walking in what should be a pretty familiar town. Going up and down the streets. Searching.
A few minutes in on our hunt for a Starbucks, we stopped on a corner. I took out my phone to google its location.
Before the page even loaded, I turned around.
it was right behind us.
We busted into our famous hyena cackles.
And after an eventful day, we decided some Mexican food was necessary.
2 orders of enchiladas, and 2 very empty plates later...
We were smiling.
I think that's the secret to getting through the tough times.
I'll be seein' ya soon.
Until then...

Hahahahahahahhahahaha! My new favorite song, and just what I might want to get on a tshirt! These pictures are so funny!! My goal for 2012 is to lose my quadruple chin! Holy mama!!!!!! We had a great time at your party! Thanks for having us, and for the adorable gifts for the kids. You are soooo thoughtful! Seriously, so sweet of you!
I am dyin laughing at the "after" pix of miss Addison's Extreme Makeover. Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! She is so cute, and so funny!!! I absolutely love it!
And great job with the gps finding that Starbucks! You little super sleuth! I can just see you and your
Mom dying laughing. Hahahhaha!
Hope you get to relax in this cozy snow. I have lots to do today, but at least it will be indoors and with my little party of 3 NON CRAZY PEOPLE!!!
Love uuu! We will catch up soon!
I love your pics! The makeover you got was hilarious! :) Enjoy your weekend and the snow!!
lovely pics and you made me smile. linking up via the blog hop. you can find me at http://purplechronicle.blogspot.com/
I always need Mexican after reading your blog :) Love the headband and blue sparkly shirt!
You simply must schedule me with your makeup artist. She is FABulous! What she does with eyelashes is amazing!
I love that blue sparkly top and headband. Is the top from target? It looks like one I saw. :)
That pic of you and your kitty is so precious! How lucky you are that you got to have your makeup done by such a talented little one. She is beyond precious. Have a fantastic weekend Maria.
Look at your makeover- looks fantastic! She did a great job! I love the message of this post- to just have fun! I hope you are having a great weekend my friend! xoxo
Your posts make me smile! :) Although that song makes me cry
Love this song!! We Texans know it very well :). LOVE that blue sparkly top! Looks so pretty on you. Your make-over is too funny... You are a sport!
Your photos made me laugh, cry and sigh. I loved seeing Kelly and her family and then you with them and all of your other family as well. God bless you all!! Then John Mayer started and all I wanted to do was sob. I love you and I don't even know you. XOXO
Hahaha that is totally something I would do, that is funny you were looking for Starbucks and it was right behind you!!
I bet you guys had a good laugh at yourselves, which is always fun right?!
I love that pic of you and your cat Maria, very cool!!!
Send me a few pics and a little bio, I want to put you up in my Blog Buddies post this month (if you want of course!)
Came by on the Sunday Funday Hippidy BlogHop
Following GFC
You look beautiful with or without make up. Good job to little Addy. You are such a good sport. :) I hope your weekend has been fabulous. Hugs, Kerstin
I love the makeover! Too cute! I tagged you in a little blogger game! :)
Great pictures, Maria. It certainly looks like you've been having a busy January! It's good to see that you're getting in so much time with family and friends! :)
And girrrrllll.... enjoy those PB cookies! They sound delicious!
I hope everything is going well for you, the Mr. and the kitties! Enjoy your Sunday!
P.S. I LOVE your blue, sparkly shirt! <3
Hi Maria,I love your pictures, they made me laugh and enjoy your get together, how fun to share good times with friends. I am already a follower and hope you can stop by to say hi please:)
Oh! My Heartsie
I am following on GF, a twitted your post.
Enjoy your week!
Hahahaha! That Addy has some serious makeover talent! You look amazing! What a wonderful time with your family and friends. I love that you and your mom get to spend some time hanging out. Glad you found your Starbucks! :)
I'm suddenly craving peanut butter cookies!
new follower thanks for linking up on my linkz
Hi Maria,
Your wonderful post with all these lovely pictures has helped to lift my spirit this evening here in Jamaica. It is good to be checking out some blogs again and of course I had to visit yours! Take care and have a great week.
Lots of Love & Friendship always,
Found your blog while surfing the blogging world. Lovely pictures ! Thanks for sharing them with us :)
Great photos and looks like a great family!
Stopping by from the Flock Together Blog Hop!
Mommy's Moments ~ http://www.mommysmoments.net
Like Mother, Like Daughter {hand stamped jewelry & more} ~ http://www.likemotherlikedaughterjewelry.blogspot.com
I want a cute kitty like yours. My husband doesn't like cats, but I just want something to cuddle with!
I love the makeover. Very...beautiful! I say she has a career coming her way soon.
Oh, and holy wow. You've got a lot of comments on this post! Lucky!
Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. I am a new follower from the Tiggerific Tuesday Hop. I would love for you to visit Saving and Sharing It and follow back.
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