I could go on and on. There are many feelings I could acknowledge.
I'll get to them. Each day at a time.
But today, I want to keep it quiet.
And that's not an easy thing for me to do.
I'm not the best at these "Wordless Wednesdays."
I tried once in the summer, and I failed. Miserably.
You can see for yourself, HERE.
So, maybe I'll just go the picture and caption route.
First, let me say a huge THANK YOU. Thank you for your compassionate words on my last post. Your shared stories. Your prayers. Again, I could go on and on. I will just say this - They mean so much.
They really, really do. Thank you for proving to me again,
that - the heart of life is so so good.
pictures and captions only.
This was our poor Christmas tree, yesterday. Saggy. Droopy. Sad.
The Mr. told me I had to take a break. He told me he'd take care of it.
Um, those are needles people. Let's just say we probably won't be getting a Scottish Spruce next year.
This was Timmy the tree back in December, right after I decorated him. Shiny. Bright n' colorful.
And below, is the photo Steve sent to me after he finished taking all the ornaments off last night.
Those needles just slipped right off!
Charlie Brown tree...doesn't even cut it!
I laughed so hard, I cried.
I was feelin' a bit like poor Timmy the tree until I got some much needed rest.
These girls brought some sunshine into my Friday.

Chloe joined me in making funny faces.
And after a very trying day, these girls were there to make me laugh.

Let me cry. Make me smile.
They made Saturday better. I love them.
I had to draw my gal, Kelly. Just because she couldn't make it to lunch, doesn't mean she shouldn't be in the photo.
Tuesday's sky.
I got lost in my thoughts last night and slow danced with my mop.
A visit with my Mom. She made me a salad. The first healthy thing I've eaten this week.
I love her.
Muffin contemplated joining me for a swim in the tub.
And, backtracking to NYE. A gourmet meal of Taco Bell. By the tree.
I pulled out my fancy footwear.
Mr. Adam watched a movie with us.
And took this awesome photo after the ball dropped.
This wasn't really taken when the clock hit midnight.
It was somewhere around 12:05.
But I kinda like it that way.
This crazy cat lady...
She's crazy about that man in the photo above.
I'll be back in a few days.
Feelin' whatever I'm feelin'. <3
Wednesday Lovin',

I am so sorry for your loss Maria. I pray that your heart will heal with time. She is with your angels, happy and peaceful. Hugs my friend!
So glad you got to get out and spend some happy time with your girls...thats always nice and comforting to have such good friends. Take care of yourself!
I always found it hard to do wordless Wednesdays as well. Your tree was beautiful! ...then it died. like, seriously...died! Yikes. What a mess to clean up!
Hey crazy cat lady! Your tree is hilarious! I actually liked the dead version too--it had character. And I'd forgotten about salad! Ya, not so healthy here either, though I'm TRYING to do better.
Love you girl! Glad you're enjoying your time with friends and your mop. :)
It is so wonderful that you have such a great group of friends that always seem to be there for you. :) I laughed when I saw your tree too! Too funny! ooh, and that salad your mom made you is looking pretty delicious right now.
Hi Maria,
I will certainly continue to remember you and your family in my prayers. I like all the pictures you have shared here. It is great to have wonderful friends. Take very good care of yourself and as always Lots of Love, Friendship and Best wishes coming all the way from Jamaica to you and Steve.
I am so glad you have such a great group of supportive friends! THinking of you guys everyday. HUGS. xoxo
Quiet days can be good days. Thinking days lead to master plans. Master plans lead to dreams coming true! For every end there is a beginning. Thoughts and prayers are still heading your way.
Beautiful blog, thanks for sharing the sweet and the bitter. Visiting from blog hop.
Sorry about your loss! Sending thoughts your way! I loved going through the pictures you posted though, beautiful tree....before it died hehe.
I'm a new follower! Please feel free to stop by my blog & follow back if you like :)
So glad your sweet friends are cheering you up and being supportive...still sending prayers your way! Your tree was gorgeous...and so are you!
Hey Maria!! Long time no chat. #sadfaces I had to leave blogger for a little bit. My haters were seriously stalking every single day - and it was creepin me out! But I'm back and ready to start using blogger again - yay :) Hope you had a great Christmas and happy new year. Mine was low key but pleasantly perfect<3 I absolutely laughed when I saw the end result of the tree. So glad you shared a laugh today :) Well I will definitely be talking to you soon. Bye love.
By FAR the best before and after Christmas tree pictures EVER :)
Take your time and deal with your feelings -- sometimes a Quiet Day is just what we need.
Prayers and thoughts sent your way! <3
Omgosh those before and after pictures of your tree are...um... intense haaga! I'm glad you're able to find humor, joy and yummy food in all this. xoxoxoxo~~
aaww hahhaa your treeee!!! it looks so funny...sorry for laughing, but...it's hilarious!
aww. good friends are life savers.
so sorry about your loss. glad that friends have been able to help you through your loss.
i'm a new follower and look forward to reading more of your blog.
Your tree looks so bare! But beautiful before! And I love how fabulous Kelly looks in that photo - amazing!!! HA HA!
Hope you have a wonderful day pretty lady! XOXO
MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG I AM CRYING LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!! First of all... that TREE! That is so crazy! I can't believe how those needles just fell off like that! LMAO!!!!
Um, and I LOVE THAT YOU DREW ME IN on the photo at the luncheon! You KNOW I would have been there, I really wanted to stay :( But, love the black cat suit you drew me in, and how you even had my straight hair and green eyes! LOL!!!! YOU ARE SO DARN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!
I'm lovin' the new blog design, by the way! Super CUTE!!!
And that pic of you and Steve kissing for NYE is adorable <3
I hope you have a great week/weekend! Love ya lots and lots!!!
~ Kelly
Bahahahaha... your tree is all fabulous at first and deserves some sot of brilliant theme song, and then it's like "whomp-whooommp"
I had a super awesome fake tree this year. :/ I know, I suck. At least yours was alive... once.
Anyway, the picture that really caught my eye was your last one.Is that a crazy cat lady shirt/coat/whatever?! OMG I love IT ahaha it's perfect!!!!
Glad you're happy, and everything in life is keeping you smiling! :)
<3 <3 <3 Michelle
Hehehe love the drawing of Kelly!! And you named your tree Timmy? lol
You're so cute!!
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