A sleepy Saturday morning has turned into a lazy afternoon. I'm far from tired at the moment...just very comfortable...soaking up the fresh air coming through the windows...
blasting music through my headphones (partly for enjoyment, partly to drown out the noise of Steve's video game).
The days are moving quickly. Faster than I ever imagined them to at this stage in the
Yesterday was one of them.
We had another doctor's appointment. It had been exactly one month since our last.
It felt a little crazy to barely have an ounce of worry on my way there. I did wonder if my blood pressure would play tricks on the nurse again. It seems to always be a little high at first, and once taken again, it's great.
I drove with the windows down. Feeling so calm - daydreaming about hearing the baby's heartbeat.
About fifteen minutes in, I came to a lovely detour. I loathe detours. You could say I royally suck when it comes to directions. I get lost in my own tiny town - no lie. I could get lost in the grocery store if I wasn't careful.
I called Steve and told him what road I was on...asking him to quickly give me directions before I got even more off track. Steve's almost always a smartass in these situations. And rightfully so. As he said yesterday - "I don't know where you are because you don't know where you are! How in the hell are you lost, babe?! You have lived here your whole life!"
I decided I didn't need my blood pressure exploding and turned around, called Steve a shithead, and found the nice "detour man" I had passed a few minutes ago. Thankfully, detour man gave me easy peasy directions, even quizzing me a second time before I turned, and I was on my way.
Steve smirked as I pulled in to park. I did too.
And in, we headed.
The appointment was a happy little one.
*Blood pressure - great from the start!
*Weight gain - 2.8 pounds in the past month.
*We had a nice, long chat with our doctor.
*They scheduled all of our appointments until due date week.
*Anatomy scan is November 1st - the countdown is on!! :)
And my favorite part of the appointment - When the nurse almost immediately brought out the doppler. (We had a little chat about bellybutton rings.)
Steve made sure to tape babe's lil' beat...
Beano was moving all over the place.
It felt a little crazy to barely have an ounce of worry on my way there. I did wonder if my blood pressure would play tricks on the nurse again. It seems to always be a little high at first, and once taken again, it's great.
I drove with the windows down. Feeling so calm - daydreaming about hearing the baby's heartbeat.
About fifteen minutes in, I came to a lovely detour. I loathe detours. You could say I royally suck when it comes to directions. I get lost in my own tiny town - no lie. I could get lost in the grocery store if I wasn't careful.
I called Steve and told him what road I was on...asking him to quickly give me directions before I got even more off track. Steve's almost always a smartass in these situations. And rightfully so. As he said yesterday - "I don't know where you are because you don't know where you are! How in the hell are you lost, babe?! You have lived here your whole life!"
I decided I didn't need my blood pressure exploding and turned around, called Steve a shithead, and found the nice "detour man" I had passed a few minutes ago. Thankfully, detour man gave me easy peasy directions, even quizzing me a second time before I turned, and I was on my way.
Steve smirked as I pulled in to park. I did too.
And in, we headed.
The appointment was a happy little one.
*Blood pressure - great from the start!
*Weight gain - 2.8 pounds in the past month.
*We had a nice, long chat with our doctor.
*They scheduled all of our appointments until due date week.
*Anatomy scan is November 1st - the countdown is on!! :)
And my favorite part of the appointment - When the nurse almost immediately brought out the doppler. (We had a little chat about bellybutton rings.)
Steve made sure to tape babe's lil' beat...
Beano was moving all over the place.
I've only listened to it about 28 times so far.
My mom and I spent the night together. It started as it usually does - with a phone call - "Wanna walk? Wanna eat?" And ends up with an hour long continued conversation before I get my butt over to her house.
It was beautiful out. We walked around downtown...the streets full of people enjoying "1st Friday."
We stopped in a cute, crowded little shop full of pretty and fun pieces.
And then headed for food.
We couldn't say no to their soup special - apple and butternut squash soup with creme fraiche (Mom, you were right - it means fresh cream! I just looked it up. Ha!)
We laughed out loud when the server placed the whole plate of nachos in front of the pregnant lady.
Somehow, we barely made a dent in that large plate of cheese and chips. I guess it was good we switched the nachos to the middle of the table!
We ended the 7 hour night with a walk for coffee...coming home to sit together in her kitchen and look through the wonderful book I received last week...
A great start to the weekend.
Just a few cravings as of lately...
Big salads
And mac n' cheese with hot sauce
A couple September photos that got lost in the mix
Celebrating Jen's birthday.
Breakfasts with Daxon and his mama.
I'm ending on a crazy cat lady note...
treating Moofy and Krimpyfluffy to a different breakfast
The other night, before bed, Steve and I introduced Muffin to the wonderful world of shadow puppets.
She went crazy!
Ha! Look at her shadow!
She is nuts!
Happy Weekend, friends!!
Hope it's a sweet one. <3
Thank you for all the wonderful words on my last post. I feel truly blessed.
See ya next week. <3
Lazy Day Lovin',

Hi there Maria,
It is so good to read that everything continues to go great for your pregnancy! So-o-o wonderful! The pictures are very beautiful as always. Oh, the words on that plaque are so inspirational. LOVE IT! Oh, what yummy food you have on display. I am very hungry now!:) I am having a good weekend over here in Jamaica. Have yourself an enjoyable weekend. I send you, Steve and Beano Lots of Love, Friendship and Best Wishes.
Ahhh...I just wrote you this long letter here and it is gone and lost. LOL I love hearing about all your life activities each week. You sharing just makes people connect so well with you. The food looks scrumptious as always, the cats were a hoot....laughed out loud to that face and I love every time I come here learning about your little one on the way. = )
Best of everything.
Love the heartbeat. I smiled so big!! It is the best sound in the world!!! Come on Nov 1st!!!
The heartbeat is the best sound in the world, isn't it?? I cry every. single. time. :)
November 1st will be here before you know it!! Hoping the baby cooperates!! (And make sure they can decipher between a foot and a boy's part!) ;)
So so so excited for you!!! xoxoxo
I'm so happy to hear that things are going so well! <3
Nights (and days) that your share with your moms are ones to be envied! How wonderful that you have that kind of close relationship with your mom. It's so sweet!
...and I need some of that soup in my life. It sounds like the PERFECT fall taste!
Hope you're enjoying what's left of this Saturday! <3
How special that you get to spend such awesome quality time with your Mom! My Mom lives 4 hours away, so those moments are currently few and far between :(
Baby sounds perfect! There is no other sound like that in the world. So glad the second trimester has arrived...don't blink, or you'll be in the third!
I can't wait for November 1st! Its going to be here before you know it!
"I don't know where you are because YOU don't know where you are"... I've had that same conversation. I'm near that sign, um the one on the billboard... um, I think there's a bank nearby... shoot, I don't know where to tell you I am. I think we should get GPS so we can be located and guided. Can't wait for that Nov 1st appt!!! So excited!!
The best sound in the world... that of a tiny heart beating :D
Your joy is just shining through this post... it's contagious, I fine myself just smiling while reading along :)
Hope you're having an amazing weekend.
awww pregnancy, so lovely ! good luck with everything
I am hosting a blog hop over at my blog today
I am SO happy for you, my beautiful friend!!!
Ah I am just so thrilled things are going SO wonderfully!!!
Your kitties are sooooo cute!! I want to cuddle them and play!!
Cute, crowded, fun shops are the best!
Wishing you & Steve a happy, amazing Sunday evening <3
16 weeks already?! Pregnancy is the only thing in the world that goes by so fast, but so slow at the same time. (You'll know what I mean when you're in the 3rd trimester.)
And wow... the anatomy scan is just around the corner. Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl? Are you going to TELL US? Ohhhh you better!
That is so sweet that you have a video of the heartbeat. I scrolled up and down your page about 19 times before I figured out how to pause your music so I could hear the video. (Good thing too, because I see I have missed some posts, and have some catching up to do!)
You will listen to that heartbeat 5000000 more times, trust me. Just last night, Ryan and I were looking through videos, and listened to the one I have of Haven's heartbeat at 12 weeks. It was so amazing to hear again. I got goosebumps.
And hold on... your cravings DONT include taco bell?! WHAT!?
I can only imagine how you and Steve must feel right now! AHHHHH! I love how calm you are through all of this. You deserve to enjoy every minute.
p.s. get a pregnancy belly button ring. Mine was $10 at the mall. :)
Why is it everytime you write, I get goosebumps. Does not happen any other time. I think because I am so excited for you! Listening to the heart beat is so joyful. And how the heck are you 16 weeks already? I am gong to make a gender predictions and say boy. I can't wait!
Don't you just love hearing the heartbeat?!?! It was always my favorite part! So exciting that your anatomy scan is coming up. So happy for you!
This sounds like such a lovely, perfect day! And you wrote about it so well. I'm a new follower. Congrats on your pregnancy.
I loved hearing the heartbeat! Sounds like an awesome weekend!
I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle!
followme@ www.studentswife.com
Oh YAY! Such an incredible sound. :) So happy for you guys!! Have a wonderful week, Maria!
I'm so glad things are moving along so quickly, steadily, and without complications! I can't believe you're already 16 weeks...beano/beanette (haaga) is going to be here before we know it =) So SO happy for you!! Lots and lots of love xoxoxo~
Looks like a wonderful time and yummy food.Glad to hear you are having a quick pregancy,all the best :)
Forgot to say thanks for linking up with us at welcome to the weekend hop,new follower :)
I feel like I am right there with you when I read your posts!! I read every single one of yours you know that, because I just adore you...You are such a sweet person and you are going to be an awesome mummy!!
What an apetite you have lol, as your baby gets bigger you will feel fuller so you need to eat NOW!! Hehehe
Hope you guys had a great weekend, and I hope this week is filled with everything and everyone you love xoxox
Hi! I'm your newest follower! I'm really excited to be, too, because I can already tell that I'm going to love reading your posts! Congratulations on all of the exciting things that are going on as you await your little one!
I'd love if you followed back! You can find me at What's in a Name?
You guys have so much fun! However, I would fight the pregnant lady for the nachos, and no, I would not go easy on you ;-)
yayyy! babyyyyyy. :) haha. so sweet.
the heartbeat is the best. it just makes you silent...and your own heart skip.
have a wonderful day, maria!
ps. yes, Goodwill is awesome with random nick nacks, etc. def-o check out that section.
Good day Maria! I found you through the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop ^^ I took a look around your blog and liked it a lot so I'm now following you : )
Hope you can visit my blog too and have a look. xx
n o i r e d a m e
Oooo girl you had me with all those food pics....someone needs to put a huge platter of nachos infront of this preggo ASAP! I can't believe that you are just weeks away from the gender scan....you do know that means you are almost HALFWAY DONE right??! Eeee!
I really enjoyed reading your story.
You have a lovely blog and I'm now following you via GFC, found your blog through Wednesday hop.
Hope you can pop over for a visit sometime.
Awe, I had never heard heartbeats from the mom's belly! It must be so incredibly amazing to experience that! :D
Yum, yum, I want ALL the food in these pics! And to pet your kitties, too! The photos of Muffin, hahaha!
Tight hugs, Maria! And happy midweek! ;D
Hi, new follower from the blog hop my wife is 34 weeks today so looking forward to reading your blog :-)
I have the same problem with getting lost, especially with detours. Usually when something like that happens to me I have to pull off to the side of the road and pull out my gps. I never drive without it for that reason!
Congrats on a great appointment today.
Stopping by from the Friday blog hop!
November 1st...ahhhhh!!! Almost here! I know you two are beyond excited. So glad everything went well at your appointment...God is watching over Baby Beano and keeping him or her safe and sound :). I love that you're feeding Baby so well...atta girl. Those nachos are reeeeally teasing me about now. You and your Mom seem to have so much fun together..what an awesome grandma she's gonna be!
Hope y'all are having a great week and that you're feeling good, pretty momma!! Can't wait for another update!
Hi Maria, I'm your newest follower from welcome wednesday blog hop. Congrats on your pregnancy. I am jealous that you live near your mom. Mine lives in Montana and it's so hard to get there. Nice meeting you.
I'm really enjoying your blog..it's fun remembering similar times when I was pregnant with my own kids..now 21 and 23. Good Lord how did that happen!?
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