I've been busy.
Busy with life.
Busy with love.
Busy with emotions running wild.
Busy turning 29.
I could write and write and write. About deep stuff. About the 4,276 emotions that have made their way into my past week. But, not today. Soon.
Today, I want to concentrate on all that is good. All that is beautiful. All that I have to be thankful for.
And what better way to do so, than with photos.
Keepin' it sweet and simple and letting the pictures do the talking.
I can't forget the ones that didn't make it to last week's posts, before getting to the celebration pics...
There was dinner at Kurt and Kelly's house. Complete with 5 or 6 rounds of Scattergories.
Kelly thinking hard.
Before this photo/game... The letter - "L". The topic - Terms of endearment. Me - (thinking to myself, "OH yea, I'm gonna snag 2 points for this one with my 2 "L" word") My answer - "Love Letter"
Kelly begins her signature cry laugh, looks at me and says sarcastically, "What?!! How is that a term of endearment?! Oh, my little love letter!" *more cry laughter
Me - "OHHHHHHH, hahahahahahahaha that's what terms of endearment means???!"
As always, Steve shakes head.
Me and my "Love Letter"
Kelly and Kurt
Kurt (making an awesome face and hiding a stain on his shirt) and Steve
Me and Steve
My Dad and Brigid had a picnic...
Me and Dad
Me and Brigid
Dad and Brigid
Me and my brother, Nicholas
Michael Nicholas and Anthony
Me and the Mr
We had friends over for dinner and games...
Doug and Vanessa
Me and Vanessa
Doug and Steve
There was lunch with friends. Sweet little girls meeting for the first time.
Kelly Kerry Veronica and Chloe
Addison entertained us with her new dance moves and song!
Addison snapped this of Veronica or, "Rhiannica" as she kept calling her :)
Chloe borrowed Veronica's guitar and posed for the most hilariously CUTE picture!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture! "Back off the guitar!"
and that concludes the pre-celebration photos.
And so begins all that made "29" Beautiful.
It all began with this cake.
Kelly showed up at my door with this unbelievably sweet, homemade, creative crazy cat lady cake. Complete with pictures of my precious fluffies and I, and even a peacock feather (love!)
Of course, I cried.
We walked a few doors down, to Kim's, before the 3 of us headed out. One of my awesome gifts from Kim. A rockin' kitty shirt from the little girls section! Can't wait to wear it!! :)
Next stop...
We ate. We gabbed. We laughed loudly. Maybe a little too loud. Okay, WAY too loudly!!!
We headed to the shop downstairs for some fun.
We found ourselves acting like children in the corner of the shop, after we found these super cool glasses.
Me Kelly and Kim. Don't we look purty?!
Kim. Why so mad?! LOL
Kelly looking ever so pretty.
Me and the ice cream truck that wouldn't stop freakishly giggling at us.
on most days :)
Kim "shushhing" the $99 Amish baby
Fluffy n' Me
Me and "Rain Poncho"
Kelly (in her 10 inch heels) and I
There was dinner with my family...
Nicholas and Mom
Dad and Brigid
Nicholas and I
Me and Mom
Me and Dad *open your eyes :)
Brigid Me and Steve
All of us.
After, there was present opening and coffee at my Mom's.
There was a kitty card that "Meowed" the Happy Birthday song to me. My Mom said to listen to it anytime I need a laugh or want to distract myself from too much thinking. :)
There was a crazy cat lady pillow.
There was a snoring Mr. on the couch.
There was a Saturday morning visit from Noah. Who only had 3 cat photo holders to play with at our house. We named them Ted, Melinda and Belinda.
There was Saturday night fun and dancing with friends. There was letting loose and feeling free for a night.
Me and Doug (my almost birthday twin) "dance-invisible jump roping"
Vanessa and I
Matt and Steve being goofy!
Me, Doug, A Random Creeper, Vanessa, Elizabeth and VERY sweaty Matt :)
There were Sunday morning muffins, cards and flowers from Steve on my birthday.
There was a Muffin lovin' the tissue paper!
There was a visit @ my Mom and Nani's house.
Nani and I
Me and Steve
There were gorgeous flowers and a touching card from friends, left for me to find on my doorstep.
I cried...again.
Muffin, stopping to take a whiff.
There were burritos. Yummy hot sauces. Salsa and Guacamole.
Steve making his selections.
"I don't think you need that one, honey!!!"
Happy Birthday Burrito!
There was a visit to our old stomping ground from years ago. There were drinks at a familiar table and great conversation into the night.
Me and Mr.
There was a goodnight hug from Twinkie.
There was a surprise "day after birthday" with the Mr. He took the day off and we spent all day and night together.
There was sushi. Really, really good sushi.
There was pottery painting. Such therapy. So peaceful.
Working on "my half" of our coaster set.
Steve's finished masterpieces.
Me and my finished ladle holder ma jiggy.
Can't wait to see the colors after they get fired up!
It was a birthday of many feelings...
There were tears of many kinds.
It is the best feeling.
To feel it so greatly.
That is something to be truly grateful for.
*looking forward to more celebrating with two very special girls tomorrow night <3
Wishing Everyone A Wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Birthday!! It looks like you had a WONDERFUL birthday, I love all the pictures! I have always wanted to paint pottery and we have a place here where you can. I need to stop saying I'm going to go and just do it already, it really does look peaceful :)
Hope your having a great week!!
Loved the glasses!!! Seriously awesome!!! And, the hot sauce... I bought one for my brother once just because it was called, "Slap My Ass and Call Me Sally!" LOL
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had an awesome week! Love all the pics.....especially the glasses!!! Have a great year, girl!
Happy birthday!!! Looks like such a fun and busy week. I love all the pictures. The one of chloe with the guitar is priceless. You look marvelous in all the pics! hope you have a great day!
As always, you leave me with "Awwwwwwwww" and "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA" until my stomach hurts so bad! I am seriously CRYING at the pictures from Shady Maple. OMG KIM AND those GLASSES! And the pic of her SHUSHING the baby! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! These are so funny! I love the pix of Chloe and Addison and how big they are getting. I know so much is on your mind, but the photos are amazing and it looks like you had a fab birthday! I seriously LOVE that you went to do the pottery thing. I've ALWAYS wanted to do that! I LOVE that ladle thingy! I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Thanks for hanging out with your birthday twin yesterday. hahaha! Hope you have an awesome week. I'm praying for the best for you always!
BTW....Seriously, I have 3 chins in EVERY picture! EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
You always make me so hungry when I see your pics, lol. I hope and pray that all your birthday wishes come true! XOXOXO!!!
Great pic, Maria! I especially loved the cat-ness of your birthday! ;) I hope you had a SPECTACULAR birthday! :) Happy, happy birthday! :)
Wow... that was full of exclamations and smileys... That's ok. Hope you're having a good week!
Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful birthday week;) I love those crazy silly glasses.
Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had your "Love Letters" there to celebrate with you. BAHAHA. I always look forward to your pictures!
PS. I recently saw that "Colon Cleaner" hot sauce when looking for special hot sauces for my mister. I will be keeping that one a secret from him too. xD
Awww I love those pictures =) I know you know it, but I'm thinking of you and I'm behind you 100%!!! So much love, hugs, and (ahem, belated) birthday card love heading your way!!! xoxoxoxoxo~~
Loved seeing your week in pics! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love birthdays... they're the best holiday of the year!
PS: my brother's name is Nicholas too! Now I definitely know we're kindred spirits ;)
Happy Birthday and nice photos!
Glad you had a good birthday! Looks like a lot of fun :) Happy Birthday again <3
Maria! Happy Birthday!
What an awesome photo collection! It looks like you've been busy having a good time and that's the way to be girl!
Love your pottery artwork too! I hope we get to see the final product after they're fired up too!
It looks like you had a great birthday!! I found you on the blog hop! :)
Stopping by from http://craftingwithbug.blogspot.com/
Beautiful pictures to remember good times. Happy Belated Birthday greetings coming to you all the way from Jamaica! Take care and as always my best wishes to you.
great pictures!! stopping by for the blog hop...now following!
happiest birthday -- what a lovely family & blog you have!
hiya – found ya via Thursday friends & giveaways – newest follower -- come by and say hi and follow back if ya like!
misadventures of a chunky goddess
Stopping in from Thursdays Friends Cafe Blog Hop!
I am now following you and I look forward to reading your blog. Please follow back :)
Happy late birthday, Maria! What a blessed rich life you have. Your family and friends love you so much...I can tell from the pics. I'm glad you had a great birthday and I loved that cake! I hope this next year is the best one ever!
Happy Birthday lady pants!
Your birthday looks like it was a dream come true! Mine is celebrated this weekend, and the actual day is Tuesday. I hope that mine goes as awesome as yours did!
P.s. Where in the world did your friend get that miniature taco bell cup?? HAHA I love it! That cake is amazing! You've got some talented friends!
Wonderful pictures Maria!! What a busy week you've had filled with loads of love and friends and laughter...I am lovin' those glasses!! Hehehe too funny. Great work with the pottery and yummo on the cake :)
Happy Birthday!! xo
More encouragement from a stranger. I wanted to give you an update on my friend with the balanced translocation...well she had a healthy little boy, no signs of any abnormalities.
Sorry for two comments on one post (you need to post more... we miss you!!!!)... BUT, I just wanted to tell you I gave your blog the "Tell Me About Yourself" award on my blog :) Feel free to check it out and repost, if you like! :)
Hope you have a great weekend! XOXO, Stephanie
Wow... what a great birthday! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures!
Im happy to be following you and your blog!
I hope you will follow me back and we can become bloggy friends :)
Have a lovely day!
A Meg Moment
Hopping by from Lots' of Lovin' Weekend Hop. I am your newest GFC follower. I hope you can stop by www.indianacouponsavings.com and follow back. Debs Dealz and I host a daily blog hop. Check it out at www.debsdealz.blogspot.com/
Hope to see you:0)
I'm a new follower from the BBL sunday hop. Hope you will stop by my page as well.
And happy birthday :)
Happy brithday :) Nice photos!
Following you from The Baby Bottom Line blog hop... hope you come by and follow back :)
the perfect line
Happy belated birthday! It really looks like you had a blast! I love all of your pictures. You need to post updated photos to show what your pottery looks like complete! They look amazing.
Friend!!!! How come I don't see my comment?!? I happened to come over and say hi and I don't see it! Meaning it probably never posted!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Darn u blogger!!
I wrote alot too! Lol. Well I LOVED these pictures!! Those glasses kill me! Hahahaha. I'm so so so glad u had a wonderful birthday because quite frankly...
Did u get my package??? It said it arrived but hopefully not to a strangers house!! :/ anywho.. It was just a small token of what ur friendship means to me and how grateful I am to have met you. You are such an inspiration to me and to many! Soooo many of us are rooting for u! :)
Happy (belated) birthday!! I love that cake! Following you via GFC from the give a hoot hop, would love for you to stop by =)
Looks like you had a good birthday celebration with family and friends :)
Hi! New follower from the Wacky Wednesday blog hop! I hope you'll follow back! Thanks! Through the Eyes of a Tiger
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