"You're Gonna Miss This" Trace Adkins
Right around this week each year, it becomes more and more clear...
Time goes by so very fast.
If you're not careful, you're liable to be thrown into the new year without a warning. Leaving you wishing you could remember all that took place in the past few months.
It's less than 6 weeks. The time between now and 2012.
And I want to appreciate those weeks for all that they are.
This past weekend got me thinking.
Recognizing even more...
How important it is to value time.
My brother, Nicholas', birthday was on Friday.
Somehow, in the blink of an eye, my little brother...
Turned 25
We went out to dinner to celebrate.
Dad and Nicholas
Mom and Nicholas
Dad Me Nicholas and Mom
Me and Dad
Me and Mom
and the celebrating continued...
TJ Nicholas and Steve
Nicholas and I have seen each other through a lot in our years.
One of my favorite old pictures of us. What's not to love?!...
Both of us ready for a country concert...My totally awesome stonewashed jeans and bright white socks...Our enormous cowboy hats...And Nicholas' adorable "very enthusiastic" little face!!
I'm so lucky to be able to call my brother one of my closest friends.
Cheers to 25, Nicholas!!
I was so happy to catch up and see this little girl and her Mama, after they'd been away on vacation.
Me and Chloe after our favorite breakfast.
Saturday was filled with 2 more birthdays.
Cutie Mr. Sam turned 3. He was so adorable blowing out the candles on his "Cars" cake!
Steve's friend, Jamie, celebrated his 35th.
Steve and Jamie.
It was a fun night. Steve got to catch up with many old familiar faces and talk about the good ol' days.
Yesterday, I met Aubrey.
My stepsister's beautiful, new daughter. She is so tiny. Has a gorgeous head of shiny brown hair. And is beyond lovable.
We've got a big bird in our freezer. In less than 48 hours we'll be waking up to thaw that sucker and start preparing for our Thanksgiving.
We're hosting it.
We're excited.
We're thankful.
As I look back on the past few days...these photos honoring lives...
Lives of all ages...
I'm reminded of what a true blessing time can be.
If you allow it to, time will be one of your greatest gifts.
And one of your most cherished fortunes.
"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
Almost Thanksgiving Lovin',

I love reading your blog, Maria, because it's so evident you have so many people in your life who love you so much...and that only means one thing -- you must be a lovable gal!!!! :) You're absolutely right about time moving fast. We've got to cherish every minute!!!
Wait a second.... you are making turkey?! I thought you didn't cook?! You are making me feel bad for pawning it off on my mother for the 5th year in a row since I didn't live in their house. LOL Good luck!
Hi Maria,
I can see that you have been having a wonderful time celebrating birthdays! Love the pictures! Wow! Just look at those pictures of you and your brother as children! Isn't it wonderful how pictures can help us to remember wonderful times?!You know if I knew you as a child and saw you now as an adult I could say "That is Maria!" I am glad you were able to celebrate with your family and friends on these special occasions and take pictures. I note that you are hosting for Thanksgiving. Let me take this opportunity to wish you, Steve, your relatives and friends a VERY, VERY, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I look forward to reading all about it and seeing your usual great pictures. I know how special this holiday is as I have many relatives as well as friends and pen-pals living in the U.S.A. From Blogs I can also see the special time it is. A great idea of giving thanks! Take good care Maria. Lots of Love, hugs and best wishes coming all the way from Jamaica to you.
You're so right; time flies! Sometimes I get really caught up in how slow time feels in the moment (hello, 2ww! lol), but when I look back, I'm always shocked at how quickly it really does pass. This is a good time of year to slow down, stop trying so hard to see what's in store for the future, and start focusing on the things we have *right now*. Thanks for reminding me =) xoxoxo~~
That's exciting that you are hosting T Day this year! Can't wait for that post later this week :)
Love the old pics and the stone washed jeans....ha ha. You have a beautiful family and I love reading your updates!!
Go you!!! I am still scared to make a turkey. I make the hubs do it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! XOXOXOXO
Don't squander time, it is the stuff life is made of...Gone With the Wind 1939.
It is so true what you write Maria...such a lovely post :)
What a happy family you have, great memories too!
Don't squander time, it is the stuff life is made of...Gone With the Wind 1939.
It is so true what you write Maria...such a lovely post :)
What a happy family you have, great memories too!
I had to turn the volume off of the song or I wouldn't have been able to see to read through all of the tears. Thanks so much for the sweet comments. It is truly an indescribable feeling. You seem to already know that you need to cherish the moments because you never know what the next one holds. I can assure you that I never thought I would be in this situation. 5 months ago my mom and I went shopping together and she seemed perfectly nml. She died four months and 2 days after her diagnosis. Love everyone in your life each and every day. Love you!!!
It is crazy how fast time goes by the older you get. I remember a week off from school was so long, now a week just doesn't cut it! Have a great holiday!
I have always loved this song! It reminds me to take a step back, especially when having a difficult day with my kids (like yesterday) and really appreciating the moments as they happen. I am so thankful that in these early years I am home to just "be" with my children. Not too long from now they won't want me to play with them or read to them or snuggle them. :(
Good for you for hosting Thanksgiving! I am not ready to take on that task, I say give me another ten years or so!
Hope you have a great thanksgiving! Good luck with the turkey.... You've blogged about your cooking skills so the outcome should be interesting ;) I've never made one myself hubby takes over when it's turkey time I'd probably ruin it lol
Love the little pictures of you and your brother!
Swear I had those SAME EXACT jeans! Haha, 80s children. Have a fab holiday hosting! Can't wait for the pictures!
You are SO gorgeous! And I seriously can't believe it's less than 6 weeks until the new year! You are SO right... we need to enjoy every second of every day because it will be gone before we know it!
Happy Early Thanksgiving! We are going to cook just for us on Thanksgiving I am sure you will do a great job! It looks like you had some great times with Family and friends and more great times to come!
I am soo glad I came across your blog, it's too cute!
Ps. I love the Yeti!!!
What a beautiful post! I can't hear that song without thinking of my littles.
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oh my gosh, that picture of you and nicholas in the cowboy hats!!!!! it's so cute, i don't even notice the stone washed jeans! nicholas' face is so adorable. hahahaha! and your step sister's baby is just the cutest little bundle. i bet you are so happy kelly is back! her little ones are getting so big!!! after the holidays, for REAL we have to get together.
hope you have the best thanksgiving ever! can't wait to hear how your turkey turns out. if i was making a turkey, i'm pretty sure i would be better off just lighting it on fire and serving it that way. LOL!
love ya!!!
Making a turkey- I am so impressed. I can't even make eggs. Okay, maybe I can make eggs but you get the picture. I get the chills when I read your posts. It gives me such positive vibes even after a long day! The pictures are gorgeous! I love the song too-never heard of it. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!!
Your blogs always make me think, and make me realize so much. I love the way your mind works. You're right, time is flying, and we have to appreciate every minute.
You were one adorable little girl. I see you've always had your long gorgeous hair. Mine has never been as long and flowing as yours. It's so cute how close you and your brother are!! Speaking of, I found another reason that we're twins!! My little brother's name is Nicholas too!
I hope your thanksgiving was lovely!
Great song choice by the way... it got me all teary eyed. *sniff* *sniff*
New follower here! :) Read through some of your old posts and several of them made me cry because I've been there myself. And for someone who has seen Kenny Chesney 7 times and Luke Bryan 10 times..I love a blog that titles posts after country music songs. :)
How awesome that you and your brother are such close friends!
I LOVE the name of your blog!!! You picked a very appropriate time for this post. :o)
I'm a new follower from the Lots of Lovin' Weekend Hop. Feel free to come by my blog and if you like, follow me back. :o)
For Love of Cupcakes
Feeling extra sentimental tonight. I got all teary eyed reading this.
One of my favorite things about you and your blog is that I can tell you live such a rich life and really cherish what you have.
I love the pictures of you and your family. I also had some extra cool stone-washed jeans. :)
last picture is my total fav!! love you!!
I know I'm late but just getting back to blogging after the big turkey day! :) I loved your pics - it's so fun to look at the old and the new!!!!
Hope you had a great weekend! XOXO
Maria - I can't tell you how much I LOVE reading what you write. You always have a way of putting life into perspective. :) I always feel quite a bit better after reading your blog :)
I LOVE the pictures! How I love looking at pictures of people from the late 80s/early 90s. lol. They remind me of my childhood, too! It's so good that you and yur brother remain so close.
I hope your Thanksgiving was great - hosting it and all! :)
<3 Steph
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