They were some good spaces.
Friday's space...
We browsed over paint samples galore. Looking to find that *just right green* to create an accent wall in our living room.
We gathered a handful of swatches to take home with us, stashed them in our coat pockets...
And went up and down the aisles, checking out the Christmas decorations that were quickly filling up the store.
I had my eye on this $80 animated "yard yeti" to *WOW* the neighborhood.
I mean, seriously, TOTALLY an amazing investment, right?!
There were yetis everywhere.
This one tried to attack me in aisle 7.
But I strangled him with a strand of colorful lights and showed him who's boss.
We came home. I ran upstairs to put on some pjs, and shouted to Steve downstairs, "Why don't you get the fire started!"
His reply..."HA! Ok, Done! I flipped the light switch!"
Toasty Muffin
It was a cozy night by the fire. A good movie. A glass of red for me. A favorite beer for Steve.
And...I went to bed at a kinda sorta normal hour.
Bonus points.
Saturday's space...
We decided to take a drive to a sweet little town. One that brings back many memories to Steve.
I love visiting this time of year. The drive is such a pretty one.
This drive, however, lasted quite a bit longer. There was an accident way ahead and we weren't moving.
Knowing we'd now get there at dark, and miss out on all the scenery, I told Steve he better take in the sights while it was still light out.
Yea, there wasn't much on the detour.
Oh look, a tree!
Once we arrived, I was actually kinda happy the way it worked out. The streets were less crowded. The night was gorgeous. And the air was so calm.
The shops were all lit up. And a few stores were all ready for Christmas.
Especially this one! Christmas Explosion!
Each store is unique. Carrying different themes and treasures.
Steve always has stories of years past when we visit his "old stomping grounds." He goes into detail with memories of friends and good times. He's so happy when he's telling them. And I love hearing them.
When we came upon this shop, Steve insisted they had the best coffee in town.
It was good. And the salted caramel ice cream (named - Jersey Shore) wasn't bad either.
After much walking and talking, we were starving. We checked out a few menus at the restaurants in town. And after realizing we didn't want to pay $18 for a burger, when we were really in the mood for seafood...
We decided to head back towards home.
Our dinner destination...
Joe's Crab Shack.
Was it romantic?
But we had a lot of laughs. And a lot of fun. It's the kind of restaurant that has the major cheesy-ness factor...
The drinks with gummy candy in them.
The servers who stop and sing every 15 minutes. Yes, we counted.
But the food was worth it.
And we were super hungry!!
Nice bib ya got there, Mr!
We started with the mussels.
And by the end of dinner...
our bucket was full.
Sunday's space...
I forgot to mention that before dinner Saturday night, we stopped at Home Depot. We found and bought what we thought was the perfect color green to compliment our living room. We wanted one that had an olive tone but with more brightness to it.
Well, fast forward to Sunday morning. Steve gets up super early and has already started painting (unbeknownst to me). And not just a little swatch to check the color. EVERY inch of trim around the "accent wall." He later wakes me up and tells me, with a smirk, to come downstairs and check it out. I, excited to see, turn and look at the wall, bust out laughing and say, "I hate's not the right color!!"
Steve is laughing and has been watching my expression from the kitchen. He quickly retorts back, "HAHAHA I hate it too!"
(I'm still confused at why he continued to paint away when he didn't like the color. So is he, I think.)
Now we have a nice, fresh gallon of way-too-bright-green-for-our-living-room-paint. I decided, eventually I will put it to use to liven up another room.
Soon after realizing it wasn't the color for us, we headed out to find a new shade. And some primer to cover up the neon outline.
We agreed, "Silent Meadow" was a much better fit than "Rolling Hills."
I mean, even the name sounds like a better choice.
I'd much rather be chillin' in the silent meadow than rolling down a hill!
So, after a coat of primer, 2 coats of paint, (Steve half falling off one of the end tables because he was too
I came home last night and Steve had everything hung back on the wall and the furniture back in place. He proudly smiled and said, "What do you think? Ya know, I wasn't so keen on the idea of this accent wall, but I really love it!"
And, I really love it too...
Especially when, despite all the little bumps along the way...
A plan comes together.
Monday's space...
Kerry and Veronica came for a visit.
The weather was gorgeous. An abnormally warm 70 degrees in November. We took advantage of the nice day and went for a walk in town.
Came back and had lunch on the deck and watched as Veronica became best friends with Muffin.
She was adorable and so intrigued with the kitties. She let out squeals and waved every time she saw them. She's my kinda babe.
Muffin was just as intrigued.
Miss Veronica and I
She was totally playing fetch with Muffin.
Sweet times.
*Tuesday's space...
The old space...
The new space...
Muffin couldn't be happier. When the furniture was moved, she found her long lost favorite toy...
That's all folks!!
Hope everyone has a HAPPY DAY!!
Wednesday Lovin',

LOVE YOUR ACCENT WALL!!!!! Seriously, looks so great!!
oh and have ALWAYS loved this song! was literally my theme song as a teenager...I went to be an exchange at 16 for a year and then wanted to see the rest of the world, but just couldn't stay where I grew up...haven't been back since except to visit.
The days certainly are moving along quickly Maria! Before you know it Christmas will be here! Wow! The Christmas decorations are so great and must put you in the mood for Christmas. It is always good to go on a drive and reminisce about wonderful times. I am in awe about that tree with all the yellow leaves. You get to see awesome autumn scenes over there. Steve did an excellent job in your living-room. Everything looks great. I love it. Muffin is so cute and just look how he is getting ready to have fun with Veronica!:) I think Veronica loves cats and will have to get one as a pet if she does not have one already!:)I see that Muffin is also enjoying the warmth from your fireplace. Always great to see your pictures and read your posts Maria.Do enjoy the rest of your week. Take care and Lots of Love & Friendship always.
Love your accent wall! :) I'm in the mood for room renos just hard to find the time lately!
I can't believe how close Christmas is already!
I'm keeping this short because I'm trying to catch up on my reading oxo V
First I love the color! It looks great with the rug you have! Second.... LMAO at the yeti lawn ornament. I will be devastated if you don't put that in front of you house. Seriously. I will be in tears. Please do a yeti themed Christmas!
I love the accent wall, it looks amazing!!! What a fun post, I'm glad you guys had a fun time, I remember those times with my husband and they are so special!! I'm so glad you have each other!! Have a great Wednesday!
Ooooh your accent wall has an almost primitive look to it... it's beautiful. Your weeks sounded casually comfortable and enjoyable to me. Right down to the clammers! I love walking through the heart of a city and looking into all the shops. It's amazing how much one misses in their own home towns. Kitty is adorable as is the sweet baby.. gorgeous. She is going to be a maneater when she grows up!! Huggers and enjoy your day!
You'll have to tell me where you guys went. It looks like you had such a great time, and it's wonderful to see you and Steve still so happy and so close through all of this. I can tell you are both so relaxed, and you both deserve that xoxoxoxoxo! I AM SO JEALOUS you went to the crab shack! I sooooo need to try that out!!! MMMM I could really go for that right now.
And your ACCENT WALL looks seriously so GOOD!!!! I love love love love it!!! Wow, I can't believe how different it looks, and how perfect the color is for that room! You always have a great way with color! Come help me with my house!!! LOL! I sooo have the itch to redecorate right now.
Thank you for being there for me yesterday. I know I was super ridiculous and emotional. It helped to have someone there to listen. I'm much better today :)
Love ya lots and lots, and I soooo am looking forward to pajama/lmn day! hahahaha! I can't wait to see your new wall! Seriously, so nice!!!
.....little Veronica is so adorable! I love how her little face is changing, and love that she is all about the cats. Reminds me of Kristopher at that age. And um, Kerri looks AMAZING!!! Share the love, Girlfriend! :) xoxoxoxo
The wall looks great! And the Crab Shack......yum!
Your posts make me smile!
Your wall turned out great!!! I never know what's going to look good in my house, so I just do nothing! And it cracked me up that your husband painted the whole wall in a color he didn't like!
Veronica is the cutest little girl! It's nice she got along so Muffin. And fabulous she found her long lost toy!
Also, I definitely think you need to invest in the Yeti!
Amazing job on your accent wall. It looks fantastic! I love the colors. Your husband is a great sport for painting the color he didn't like. I don't think I can get Greg to do that,lol.
Veronica is a cutie! Look at her :) That picture of the two of you is precious and I love her playing fetch with your cat.
I love all your posts! Thanks for making me smile always:)
The green looks great. I am a big fan of accent walls, my hubby not so much. I totally have the same metal wall hangings above my mantle. :) When we were painting the exterior of our house this last summer hubby started painting the accent color and we both looked at eachother and said at the same time how we hated it. So, off to the hardware store to pick out a new color.
By the way, you always leave the sweetest comments on my blog and I always shoot off an email to reply to you but then I realized the other day that your email said have you been getting them? :)
We can be friends Maria, but if we ever meet, I'm not doing the whole seafood thing with you sorry ;) LOL
I love the accent wall, it really enhances the room. Your loungeroom is so nice and cozy looking which is why the cats probably like to hang there!
It was great reading about your week, the drive, the colour samples (why is there sooooo much to always choose from? What about us indecisive people?)
I hope the rest of your week is just as nice, watch out for Yettie's!! xo
I love it! It's amazing what one wall of color can do to a space! Im so glad you seem to be doing well!!!
Maria!! OMGOODNESS... the wall looks amazing!! I love it! Great job!! I would've never thought of using a color like that but wow! it looks fabulous girlfriend!!
Im so glad you're doing great as always. If you were here.. we would totally hit up Joes crab shack all the time! lol.. okay maybe not allllllll the time. (don't want to make taco bell jealous, right?) I keeo thinking of you non stop, even during my absence. I hope you know that i will always be here for you. I'm a text away. =) hugs hugs hugs and much love to ya! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Thank you for your comment earlier. =) muah!!
That accent wall is amazing! I think it is definitely the perfect shade of green. Picking out paint colors isn't an easy chore is it? Ha Ha..I had to LOL at Steve for continuing to paint a color he hated. My hubby would so do that.
Oh btw, my son plays fetch with our cat too. It's pretty comical.
Hi Maria! I'm following you from the blog hop! Your blog is amazing, want to know another amazing thing? My name is Maria also! I hope you have some time to visit my blog as well. It's Hope to see you there, and I look forward to reading more of your posts!
LOL @ The Yetis.
I'm your newest follower, would love a follow back @
Hello again Maria,
I hope your Thursday has been going well. I am happy to inform you that I have passed on the Sunshine Award to you. The details are on my Blog. Lots of Love and best wishes.
I LOVE the livingroom color. It looks so good and cozy and perfect - just what you want home to feel like. :)
And I LOVE all of the Christmasfullness of your pictures! I can't believe its almost the season, but I'm SO looking forward to it. That little town looks so cute, too!
I hope you have a great weekend filled with more fun! ....and good food! ;)
AAAAHHHH, that green color is FANTASTIC! Ooohh, I love it. I love it! I must confess something to you, my taco eating friend...I MIGHT have peed my pants a little over that yard yeti! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw that I had to pause and think about what I would do if I had one of those. I came to this conclusion: I would have it in my yard year round! HA HA HA!!! This post was so many things--warm, funny, romantic, relaxed, sweet, and charming. I'm lovin' your face, Ms. Maria! XOXOXO
I love the green on your wall! I'm your newest follower from lots of lovin blog hop!
Okay, first of all, the yetis: haaaagggaaaaaaaa!!! Those pictures are priceless! I love your accent wall, too. It's the perfect color and now the room looks so cozy =) XOXO~
The yeti trying to attack you totally cracked me up! Still think you should have bought one and put it up close to your neighbour's house. LOL.
Great post & pictures!
New follower from the Finding Friends Weekend Blog Hop,
Love your outlook!
Following you from the weekend blog hop - hope you will follow back :)
Love the title of your blog!
Hi! I'm your newest GFC follower from the Weekend Blog Hop. I'd love a follow back:)
I'm also hosting a hop on my blog if you're interested:)
I decided after reading this post that I need to go on a walk soon and stare into Christmas windows, and stop for nummy coffee on one of these cooler nights. Sounds like a dream! And of course an amazing dinner afterward. The cheesy places are always the best haha.
You also make me want to paint my living room. That turned out perfectly! I'm glad you went back for another color, because the first one sounds scary! You are happy, and that makes me happy. I totally enjoy every single one of your posts, and look forward to them.
You're very right by the way... we are a lot alike... cats, not sleeping during the night, food, video games... gotta' love it!
You and the abominable snow make a nice couple!
jealous of your crabs. ;)
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