"Summertime" - Kenny Chesney
Piper is still sleeping off a fun, sunshiny day, and I'm sipping my second (okay, third) Diet Coke of the day. I felt like sitting down and typing for a bit.
Summer is here!
Summer is here!
It's funny, I have always said that it's my least favorite season. And it probably always will be. I'm one of those crazies who loves the winter, the snow and chilly weather.
With that being said...
It's just a few days past June 21, and there are already so many summer memories I'm holding close in my heart.
We decided to kick off summer a day early, with a trip to the zoo - Piper's first.
Zoo-ready Moonchie
I was so giddy as we walked towards the entrance. Sometimes I ask
myself if it's normal...the extreme excitement I feel in these
It is.
The joy I feel watching Piper grow, learn and discover new things is something I cherish more and more each day. And these "firsts" - they make me want to just get lost in them, and at the same time, they make me look forward to all that's to come.
Our day at the zoo..
It is.
The joy I feel watching Piper grow, learn and discover new things is something I cherish more and more each day. And these "firsts" - they make me want to just get lost in them, and at the same time, they make me look forward to all that's to come.
Our day at the zoo..
Piper and Dee Dee have such an awesome relationship.
Hearing Piper say "Dee Dee" makes me so happy. She almost says it with a twang.
"Hi guys!" - she says it to anyone and everything.
Make a wish, Pips.
*Pips just woke up from her nap. I'll be back
I'm back!
Wrong finger, but it looks like she's flippin' Mr. Snake off.
The thigh chub and expressions...can't take it!
We couldn't believe this dude was alive. He was so still. Zoologist Steve, taught us that they keep their mouths open to stay cool.
She grabbed onto this little guy and wouldn't let go. Totally worth the ten bucks.
"Stripes" is one of her favorite car ride buddies as of lately.
I'm pretty sure Steve and Piper watched these two for fifteen minutes straight. Mama and baby...they were so sweet together.
We waited in line for the carousel and kept our fingers crossed that nobody else was eyein' up Mr. Cheety. We lucked out.
We could hear the happiness in Piper's voice as she cooed the entire ride. I laughed the whole time - a choked up-grateful-lost in the moment-laugh as we went 'round and 'round, and my mom stood waving and taking pictures.
Deeds wanted to pull one of her feathers out. I told her to. She chickened out.
Hey, she coulda been a YouTube sensation.
Next up, was a ride on the Swan Boats.
Steve got tickets for me, Deeds and Pips.
A baby in a life vest.
Piper didn't know what to make of the vest while I held her. She was like a little Stay Puft Marshmallow Pippy. Thankfully, the line wasn't too bad.
We quickly realized once we started pedaling, why Steve didn't get himself a ticket. It was quite the workout. And Deeds and I were hyena cackling our way through the water. Before we realized how to steer Mrs. Swanny, we lightly crashed into another swan. Thankfully, we were given a nice big push...and then, eventually we got the hang of it. More hyena cackling followed. And head shakes and smirks from Steve.
It was such a fun ride. Piper was a sweetie and just hung out. She even stood up a few times...little daredevil. I would have loved to have known what was going through her head. (Besides, "Daddy, save me!!!!")
We checked out more animals after our "joyrides."
Piper munched on some yummy S'mores Goldfish crackers that magically appeared in Dee Dee's purse. And we took a few more photos before heading out.
A very special gift from Dee Dee, to end Piper's first visit to the zoo.
When Steve suggested Mexican food for what became an early dinner, my eyes lit up.
Mexican food is always a good idea.
"Hey Mr! Make it mild, please!"
After stuffing ourselves, we headed home. Piper took a late nap, and woke up for some chillin' out with Mommy, Daddy (and the kitties).
The fluffies are really starting to like Pippy, now that it's her job to dish out the treats.
She loves to bring us "gifts," and smiles so proudly when she places them in our hands.
I'll pack the memories from our trip to the zoo right up there with Piper's first time meeting Santa.
It was that kind of speical.
The official first day of summer...
The official first day of summer...
Piper is getting all four incisors and teething lots these past weeks.
She has been sleeping pretty well despite her four new friends.
Besides last night, when she joined us in bed and wanted to party till 4 a.m.
Nothin' says summer like a couple-a piggytails!!
And a big, cheesy Pippy-Pop smile!
She loves to feel and tug on her pigtails. If I say "Don't you do that!" in my funny voice, she thinks it's hilarious and does it even more.
Our friends, Melissa and Dave, had us over for a cookout.
Piper and Kaylee always have a blast.
It's so cute to watch them together.
Kaylee let Pips borrow one of her dresses, so she could play with her water and sand table.
Let's just say, Piper loves her some sand.
She barked at me every time I tried to stop the sand from going in her mouth . She may not have eaten one of the amazing cheeseburgers Melissa grilled. But, Pips enjoyed herself a delicious sandburger.
Serious business, those yogurt pouches.
The dress was just a tad low. LOL.
Kaylee's pretty, pink kitchen stole Piper's attention for a good portion of the night. She couldn't stop opening and closing cabinets and starting the oven (and eating the fake bowl of Cheerios).
Melissa and I laughed so hard when we turned around and found Pips in this bin.
She must have wanted to join her pal, Zippy.
We stayed past Piper's bedtime (though she doesn't truly have one), ate lots of yummy desserts, decorated ourselves with stickers and shared lots of laughs.
Thanks again, Melissa, Dave and Kaylee.
Sunday mornin'
We headed to the park after breakfast.
I took photos for a very sweet family, who was more than ready for me to start snappin'.
When Donelle busted out tissue paper pom-poms, a helium tank and giant, pink balloons from her trunk, I knew it was gonna be tons of fun.
It was a joy photographing your beautiful family, Donelle.
Thank you so much letting me share your photos!
Thank you so much letting me share your photos!
All that snappin' worked up quite the appetite.
Steve suggested Mexican food again. He earned 498 Good Mr. points in one weekend.
What's a Sunday without a trip to Walmart?
Piper is such a sweet helper.
Our little pony, and her trough water table.
GiGi surprised Piper with a water table for Easter. She runs right to it as soon as we go on the deck.
And once the hose starts, look out...she's ready for a drink.
GiGi surprised Piper with a water table for Easter. She runs right to it as soon as we go on the deck.
And once the hose starts, look out...she's ready for a drink.
Proof of a fun-filled weekend...
A Monday Moonchie that slept until 10.
Piper loves to visit Uncle Nicholas and Gibson.
She knows when she is in the kitchen, Uncle Nicholas is going to give her a slice of Swiss.
And she knows if she begs and goes back to the fridge enough, he'll give her a second slice.
Gibby was doin' some backwards kinda sneeze and Pips thought it was hilarious.
Next stop...Deeds', for Pippy's 1st pool party of Summer '14
The pool seemed so much bigger last year when Piper was just a wee one.
Snack! For you!
Sometimes, right around when Steve is going to get home, we take a walk to get the mail.
Someone spots a Daddy.
"Hi baby!! Hi baby!!" on repeat.
Good morning, Tuesday.
We met Veronica and Kerry at the playground for some fun in the sun and a picnic.
"Hi guys!" to strangers in the park.
Two blowouts in a row = bath time
(and boathead baby)
Deep in thought, with crumbs and cat fur on her lips.
And this morning...Mommy's little helper.
The babes hung out and played music for us while we chatted.
This afternoon, we headed over to Aunt Kim's sweet parents' house with more iced coffee and a couple of bikinis. I am so borrowing Piper's one day.
Noah told Piper she looked so cute and that her big toes were growing (not her little ones, though *I totally agree, Noah.* LOL).
He couldn't wait for her and
his bathing beauty sister, Nellie, to get in the pool.
Snootin' in style
We spent the whole afternoon splish splashin'. Whenever we'd get out, after a few minutes, Piper would say "Up! Up!" - "Up" meant "Back in the pool, Mommy!"
We spent the whole afternoon splish splashin'. Whenever we'd get out, after a few minutes, Piper would say "Up! Up!" - "Up" meant "Back in the pool, Mommy!"
She stole my iced coffee cup and wouldn't let go. I guess she needed a little early evening pick-me-up. She's obsessed with cups and straws.
Double bubbles!
We ended tonight with some stories (and Full House).
And now it's midnight. And I think I'll watch a little
Summer may be my least favorite season.
But this summer...I can feel it...
It's gonna be my favorite summer yet.
Happy Summer.
Summer Lovin',