I was going through my photos earlier and came across a bunch that never made it to the bliggity-blog.
It's past two in the morning. And I need to get some sleep. So I'll keep this snappy.
Well, my version of snappy, at least.
Pips has woken up (along with her eighth tooth) a handful of times already.
I just finished plugging in the Keurig next to my nightstand. Kidding.
But that doesn't sound like such a bad idea, does it?!
I have a few posts brewin' for the upcoming weeks.
For now...
Here are some sweet memories from November...
A few pippyvids...
Food...her favorite thing ever.
Giggles with Dee Dee and Creepy Mr. Nutcracker
Giggles with Muffin
Crazy that this was almost three months ago...November 1st. Piper turned 7 months and just woke up after a very special night of trick-or-treating as Pippy the Merpippy mermaid.
I love the looks she gives her Daddy.
I wish I fit into this coat.
The morning after Daylight Savings. Pips woke up extra early as we predicted.
"Hey Twinks, give me a minute, I haven't had my coffee yet!"
We all jumped into some comfy, purrr-fect attire and headed out for some breakfast.
Pips was lovin' life.
Later that afternoon, Pips and I got her all packed up for her sleepover at Dee Dee's.
Greeted with gifts and hugs
Steve and I were headed for a night in Atlantic City. It was our first night being that far away from her. I got weepy for just a little bit in the car.
And yes, I took a picture of it.
But I cheered up quickly, because I knew she'd have a blast with Deeds.
And Steve and I were excited for some time, just the two of us.
I didn't break out my camera once...just my phone cam.
That's a big deal, peeps.
He stole my phone and took this. He obviously wanted it to make it to the blog.
Pictures from Dee Dee made us smile.
So did this Dolly Parton slot machine. She sang to us and let us pick our favorite Dolly song. We played for what seemed like forever.
And Miss D paid us twenty smackers. Big bucks, baby!
Our second dinner at two in the morning.
I could so eat all of that right now.
More pics from Deeds
We spent the morning at the pool, "cheersed" with a round of bloody marys and
Lunch at one of our favorite places
We were greeted with a very sweet "Welcome home" when we arrived at Dee Dee's. <3
Sweet potato goatee
Muffins with Aunt Kim
She spotted pictures of babies' faces and started flirtin'.
Flu shot Tweety Bird chubber thigh
Bundlin' up for a walk
The bottom-middle is my favorite.
Girls' day while Daddy went to a football game
Feedin' stray kitties with Mommy. #crazycatbaby
We picked up Dee Dee and headed out for some shoppin'.
And some burritos. As you can see in the picture with Deeds, Pips was sad we didn't order her
her very own burrito.
Visitin' Papa Bear and relaxin' with Dee Dee
A morning of Starbucks and story time with Aunt Kelly, Chloe and Daxon
An early Thanksgiving treat from Dee Dee
Visitin' Papa Bear and hangin' with Uncle Nicholas
Supermarket Squish, I love you.
Target Pippins
Out to dinner to celebrate Uncle Nicholas' 27th birthday...
"Hey, how long does Pippy have to wait for her spaghetti 'n meatballs?!"
Back home for gifts and dessert (and singing)!
We left some of the wrapping paper for Pips to play with the next morning.
Piper paper party!
We surprised Daddy with her new "I <3 DAD" shirt
Aunt Jen came over. We were ready to celebrate her soon-to-be baby boy
with pedicures and lots of food.
I came home to a feverish Pips...her first fever.
We all snuggled all night. Twinkie was jealous he wasn't included in the snugglin'.
Little Miss was feeling much better the next morning.
More baby celebratin'...Aunt Kim's surprise shower
And now, two months later, beautiful baby girl is here.
Visits from Dee Dee <3
We love having conversations before bedtime.
Okay, there's a movie on LMN called "The Stepson" - when the titles get extra original and exciting, that's my cue to get to bed. They only put the super amazing movies on when it's reallllly late.
Hope your day is filled with laughter and love.