Hello there. It's been weeks...
I've missed this...
Sitting down and typing anything and everything that comes to mind. Looking over the memories from the past days and weeks. Blending my thoughts and photos together.
Lately, my thoughts are all over the place. More than ever.
But sitting down and taking a bit of time now - just me, the keyboard and my music (and the calming, out-of-nowhere rain that just started a few minutes ago) has me in a pretty alright place.
My daughter puts me in a very alright place.
She's asleep down the hallway. All swaddled up, dreaming sweet dreams.
She's twelve weeks old. Twelve whole weeks. And just a few days shy of three months.
Month two for Piper was surely an eventful one. One I won't ever forget, for many reasons.
My dad is still in the ICU. Today marked four weeks since his heart attack.
He's had one hell of a month.
When I feel exceptionally drained, heartbroken and exhausted, I think of my father and how hard he's fighting through all the pain.
There's so much I want to let out. I've been more emotional than ever before.
Eventually, it will all come pourin'.
I just want to thank everyone for the constant thoughts and prayers.
My family and I appreciate all of them so much.
Before I start blubbering, I should get to typing. Or should I say, rambling...
Yes, let's go with a long, "HAPPY TWO MONTHS, PIPER!!" ramble.
Because, this Mommy is too scatterbrained to have any kind of organization at the moment.
Speaking of organization, I have lots of photos still waiting to be loaded onto my laptop from this past month. I'll be adding them in future posts. I've been loving my new phone and Instagram - the name is - Muffinmarino). It's helped me to keep on documenting through all the craziness.
Okay, now I'm rambling before I start my ramble.
Where was I?!
Oh yes...
Piper turned two months on June 1st.
Here she is on her two month birthday.
Oh, she is growing!
This smile...
It sends a rush of adrenaline through me every single time.
I have to post this video again. After all, it was taken on her two month birthday.
Piper had her two month check-up at the beginning of June.
Our girl is one healthy babe.
Her height and weight made me smile and laugh (and calm down about my milk supply not being so great that week due to all the stress).
Piper weighed in at 12 pounds and 13 ounces - (81st percentile)
She came in at exactly 24 inches - (97th percentile)
And her sweet, round noggin - 16 inches (96th percentile)
Dee Dee came along with us. Piper was happy, making her silly faces as usual.
And then came the dreaded needles. One in each thigh. I told my mom how I cried at Piper's one month appointment. It wasn't fun watching her scream and wail in fear of what the heck just stung her in her little leg. And I knew it wouldn't be any better with my emotions running extra high, as Pips now had a few more to endure. The nurse asked my mom and I to each grab an arm and hold her down. And then, poor Pipsy got her vaccines. And she screamed and shrieked and cried.
I didn't this time. But Dee Dee did. Us ladies, we like to cry.
Here's how Pips feels about those meanie needles...
Piper fun fact - She has a "strawberry mark" on her left knee (as seen above). My friend, Kim, says it's a lie and that Piper skinned her knee while she was riding her bike. ;)
Some more fun facts...
*Piper started sleeping through the night four weeks ago - Memorial Day. (Yes, she must have sensed that things were about to get nuts.) She's woken up a few times in the middle of the night this past month, but I'm not complaining.
*Piper loves to nurse. She is like a little Dustbuster. And my boobs are the dust.
*Piper hates the sound of the toilet flushing. I'll have to get a picture sometime. The "Piper pout" comes out in full effect. ;)
*Piper loves to poop. Dee Dee calls her "Piper the pooper." She toots so loud, Steve questions if it was me, and not Pips. :)
*She talks up a storm. It sounds like this...wljrelkjjjj wlyuotyahjdf skdjfaosdf. And it's incredibly cute. She loves to have conversations with everyone.
*She is still very much all or nothing - full of glee or a "Piper Pissy Pants!"
Though, she loves just relaxing and looking around, too.
*She loves being swaddled.
*Piper loves the sound of the fans in the bathrooms and will often fall asleep on Steve or I while we cradle her and sway her back and forth in there.
*Piper is totally awesome.
Steve's mom came to visit at the beginning of the month.
Piper was happy to meet her Grandma.
Piper listened to us chat and chat away. I have a feeling she will have the same gift of gabbing.
We went to Aunt Kim's for dinner.
My Boppy has been coming with me almost everywhere these days.
And hung out on the deck. The weather was perfect and not nearly as humid as it's been these past few days.
We popped open the bottle of "Piper champagne" my mom gave Steve for his birthday and toasted to our little girl's second month and to her meeting her Grandma.
Piper is the ICU waiting room mascot.
She brings good cheer each and every day!
Piper wakes up with a huge smile on her face almost every day. I love her priceless expressions, smirks and baby talk. She is the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee.
We sent this video over to Daxon on his first birthday.
Piper and Daxon are both "first of the month babies!"
I love the way she's looking at her Daddy. She doesn't take her eyes off of him.
She LOVES Steve. Her face lights up whenever he walks into the room.
They have a special bond. (More on that in the future).
Piper loves her Aunt Kelly.
Piper attended her very first birthday party - Mr. Daxon's.
It was nautical-themed and adorable. He had lots of pretty little ladies/babies by his side.
The night before, Dee Dee gave Piper her two month gift. It couldn't have been more perfect...
The pretty little anchor dress and leggings she's wearing.
Piper's faces are awesome. And so are her monkey toes.
(She always bends her toes and loves to spread them apart, too!)
Daxon - "Oh, now who in the heck does this little bow-head think she is?! She best be backin' away from my Mama!"
Chloe asked, "Mimi, I hold her?" 483 times.
Of course! I mean, who could resist seeing Pips and "The Munchkin of Good Cheer" together.
Piper had her first kiss!
That smirk...it reminds me so much of my Pop-Pop, my mom's father. He passed away years ago, but when she gives her grin, Dee Dee and I often say "Pop-Pop!"
We've pretty much marked our territory in the waiting room.
We've gotten pretty creative with making things fun for Piper.
This photo makes me LOL every single time.
She kinda looks like a baby Elton John.
Working on her chest presses...
Dee Dee, Aunt Karen and I took Pips for a little stroll up and down the hallway.
Princess P, we call her.
Moments like this can make sad tears, happy ones.
Piper loves making this face. Her eyes, like mini crescent moons. Her nose all scrunchy.
She's a wiggler. And a shaker.
Did I ever mention how much she loves bathtime?
She adores it. She totally knows when it's coming, too. The way she spreads her arms and arches her back as soon as I go to place her in her little tub...it's adorable.
Her hair is growing. It gets kinda curly when it's wet. We call her "Lil' Fuzzhead!"
Walks have been extra nice lately. Sometimes it's just the two of us. And sometimes, Dee Dee or Daddy come along.
Piper loves when we go over bumpy sidewalks. It puts her to sleep. And soon, we hear her coos. She totally "talks" in her sleep.
This babe right here - she's a 12 pound happy pill.
She's a sucker for a nap on Dee Dee.
Piper's really starting to focus on objects.
People always comment on how alert she is.
She stares for minutes straight. I love watching her blue eyes take it all in.
Twinkie being a copycat.
She is mesmerized by Daddy's phone. He downloaded a kid's program onto it a couple weeks ago.
Piper's already learning her shapes. ;)
Thank God for Piper.
I think I've said that at least 8 million times this month.
This beautiful baby girl...
She needs me. I need her.
Piper Grace, you are my saving grace.
I love you.
Happy two months (and soon-to-be three)!
Good night, friends.
I hope to be back before the start of July.
I have tons of posts brewing.
Thank you again. <3<3<3
Lovin'....Lots of Lovin',